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Dont you just love the internet


Well the answer is obviously yes, I do. Particularly when it throws up in that Hitch Hicker’s Guide to the Galaxy, maximum improbability drive way a gem like “Managers Say the Majority of Information Obtained for Their Work Is Useless, Accenture Survey Finds”. There I was looking for some dull, but important nugget on MiFID, or was it payments or maybe Hedge Funds – I really can’t remember now - and I found this – no rather it found me. It knew that deep down - disregarding whatever expertly formed phrase I had typed into the search engine - that I needed to know that as well as spending up to two hours a day finding stuff they at least thought they needed, that more than half of respondents said the information they found was useless! The article goes on to tell me the further insight that people thought it was easier to find information about their competitors than about their own firm. It made me feel better, so I thought I would share it. If you have had a random, useless, but entertaining search engine experience, do feel free to share it – who knows it might make some poor managers life that little bit better!


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