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Riaz Syed

Riaz Syed CEO at infinant

A strategic approach to expanding their distribution channels to grow deposits

Deposit growth continues to be the number one business priority of bankers, according to BAI Banking Outlook: 2024 Trends, as it serves as the cornerstone of various aspects of banking operations, including profitability, stability, customer relations, and regulatory compliance. To expand their deposit-gathering channels, banks employ various stra...

/retail /predictions Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Riaz Syed

Riaz Syed CEO at infinant

What financial institutions need to know about coreless banking

Coreless banking represents a groundbreaking paradigm shift in the world of banking, aiming to revolutionize how financial institutions operate. In a nutshell, it is about embracing a system that gives banks the ability and flexibility to build and customize products on a single platform. This strategy enables a wide range of innovations, from ban...

/regulation /wholesale Open Banking

Riaz Syed

Riaz Syed CEO at infinant

How Coreless Banking Can Give Banks a Competitive Edge in Today’s Financial Landscape

In today's fast-paced financial landscape, the idea of a bank stopping a customer in their tracks to say, “I need to contact my core provider,” is no longer a recipe for success. Over the years, legacy core banking platforms have become rigid, dictating the terms under which banks can engage with fintech providers. However, forward-thinking banks...

/predictions Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Riaz Syed

Riaz Syed CEO at infinant

Who owns the BaaS customer?

The popularity of Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) business models are infiltrating many parts of a consumer’s life, with banks wanting to adopt platforms in order to deliver products and services to their customers. The market value of BaaS is expected to reach $6.9 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 32.9%. It's no wonder that banks are attracted t...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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