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Satinder Lala

Satinder Lala Director of Marketing at Capium

Why Financial Professionals Should Embrace Current Tech and AI: Out with the Old, In with the New

Why UK Accountants and other Financial Professionals Should Embrace Current Technology: Out with the Old, In with the New In the light of HMRC’s new update to Accountants by Amy Chin, Aweb’s Tax writer, I thought about our accountants and other financial professionals -the unsung heroes of the business world ensuring that our numbers add up and ou...

/ai /inclusion Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Satinder Lala

Satinder Lala Director of Marketing at Capium

Is AI really the future of accountancy?

Is AI really the future of accountancy? Artificial intelligence (AI) has been subject to a great deal of both hype and scepticism throughout its history. It’s a technology that sparks most people’s imagination – or fear – by calling to mind futuristic, sci-fi concepts. In the accounting industry, an ongoing debate surrounds AI’s ability to carr...

/inclusion /predictions Trends in Financial Services

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