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Delia Pedersoli

Delia Pedersoli COO at MultiPay Global

How payment data can drive growth and optimise operations

Retailers are becoming more aware that their payment data is one of their most valuable assets. As transactions occur within your business, they generate a wealth of valuable data points. By analysing this data, it provides retailers with important insights to their business. What is payment data? Payment data refers to the information generated d...


Delia Pedersoli

Delia Pedersoli COO at MultiPay Global

How Pay by Bank can supercharge in-store customer experience

Providing exceptional customer experience (CX) is paramount for success for any retailer in today’s difficult climate. As consumer behaviour shifts towards digital channels and convenience becomes increasingly important, retailers must adapt their payment methods in-store to meet these changing expectations and align with online. One such innovati...

/payments /devops The Payments Business

Delia Pedersoli

Delia Pedersoli COO at MultiPay Global

Eight Top Tips for Successfully Upgrading Your Payments System

Transitioning to a new payments system is a strategic manoeuvre that impacts the very heartbeat of your business operations. No matter the size of your business, or your stage of growth, navigating this shift requires foresight, thorough planning, and a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies and complexities involved. It can be a daunting ...

/payments Fintech

Delia Pedersoli

Delia Pedersoli COO at MultiPay Global

Going Green With Payments – How To Reduce Plastic Waste And Improve Customer Experience

Single-use plastic is out. The UK Government has mandated that by 1st October 2023, food and beverage businesses and manufacturers must no longer supply, sell or offer single-use plastic items in England. Whilst the ban only includes food items for now, such as bowls, trays and cutlery, it’s a step in the right direction towards minimising the imp...

/payments /sustainable The Payments Business

Delia Pedersoli

Delia Pedersoli COO at MultiPay Global

How Retailers Can Prepare for the Next Wave of Alternative Payment Methods

It's been a difficult few months for the retail sector. The war in Ukraine, the transition to a post-Covid economy, and managing Brexit have created many challenges for retailers. Retail businesses have been feeling the squeeze from every side, from more red tape around imports and exports to reduced sales volumes and increased pressure to control...

/payments /regulation

Delia Pedersoli

Delia Pedersoli COO at MultiPay Global

Fighting back against fraud: How the right Payment Service Provider can help

The UK has the highest level of credit card fraud in Europe, with over 134 card frauds per 1000 people and the average victim losing out to the tune of £8,833 according to think tank Social Market Foundation. As the vital link between acquiring and issuing banks, ensuring payments are made correctly, payment service providers (PSPs) have an importa...

/security /payments The Payments Business

Delia Pedersoli

Delia Pedersoli COO at MultiPay Global

The power of foresight: CX during turbulent times

Delivering a great customer experience is about both reacting to and anticipating your customers’ demands and requirements. In a survey by Salesforce, of over 15,600 consumers and business buyers globally, it was found that 66% of them expect companies they interact with to understand their needs and expectations. Furthermore, 80% now consider the ...

/payments The Payments Business

Delia Pedersoli

Delia Pedersoli COO at MultiPay Global

The true story of Apple’s Tap to Pay

At the start of February, Apple decided to finally enter the payment processing space by officially announcing Tap to Pay - its new system for collecting electronic payments via an iPhone or iPad. Initially only available in the US, it is just a matter of time before Tap to Pay launches in more markets. However, while Apple’s entry into the paymen...

/payments Fintech

Delia Pedersoli

Delia Pedersoli COO at MultiPay Global

Building a stronger economy with instant payments

The global pandemic continues to have a severe impact on many businesses. Since the first lockdown, nearly 200,000 jobs have been lost in the retail sector alone. There looks to be few signs that this trend will reverse anytime soon. In August, data from IHS Markit shows that the index tracking output among UK companies fell to a 55.3 – a six mont...

/payments Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

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