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Akhil Rao

Akhil Rao Director at Nth Exception

ISO 20022 Translators, SWIFTgpi plugins and Process Optimization

Payments systems have always been complex but critical parts of the banking world. Over the last decade, the payments environment has become much more dynamic, creating even greater challenges for financial institutions. Complex regulatory requirements, outdated and poorly integrated legacy systems and an increasingly competitive marketplace all p...

/payments /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Akhil Rao

Akhil Rao Director at Nth Exception

The Importance Of Data in A Payment And Why Is The Switch Over To ISO 20022 Is So Significant?

The main reason to switch is that ISO 20022 payments messages carry much richer information than the redundant SWIFT MT messages and other legacy formats commonly used today. Also, the information in an ISO 20022 message can be grouped together based on common data components from different payment methods and can be further reused, resulting in i...

/payments /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Akhil Rao

Akhil Rao Director at Nth Exception

Data in the changing payments landscape and the role of ISO 20022

Data is an increasingly important part of the payment industry. It is collected, analyzed, and used at various points during a payment transaction, and plays a vital role in making sure the payment reaches its intended destination. Data is also at the core of customer security and system innovations. The payments sector is fast evolving, we expec...

/payments /retail Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

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