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Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

The digital asset inflation hedge beyond gold

The extent of money supply increases needed to facilitate stimulus packages by sovereign central banks to counter the negative effects of the current crisis will dictate the inflationary pressures that ensue. Current world currencies are driven in a large part by expectation value and when confidence wanes there is a flight to alternative stores o...

/crypto /covid-19 Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

Kick starting Economies Post COVID-19

Will the crisis result in the rise or demise of the 4th Industrial Revolution? In its April World Economic Outlook, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects a decline in global growth in 2020 of -3 percent. This is a downgrade of 6.3 percentage points from January 2020, a major revision over a very short period. This makes the Great Lockdow...

/markets /covid-19 Finance 2.0

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

The crisis forces the Puppet Master to cut loose the puppets

Will the current economic crisis result in changes to the economic establishment as we know it, so that a new order is established fuelled by democratised digitally enabled innovation? How can data and information become the key currency to aid financial re-inclusion and inclusion post crisis? In 1815, Nathan Mayer Rothschild said: "I care no...

/inclusion /covid-19 Bigger than Technology

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

The Investor, the SME and COVID-19: Time for the Stock Exchange to change or estrange

While the COVID-19 pandemic poses a significant threat to mainstream industry and commerce, it will be even more devastating to Small-to-Medium Enterprises (‘SMEs’), as a large number may not survive the economic impact of the crisis. This issue affects SME activity worldwide, however it is especially pronounced in emerging markets, where access t...

/markets /covid-19 Trends in Financial Services

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

Are UK Banks profiting from the current coronavirus crisis and failing SMEs?

A UK business could be eligible for a Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS), as set out by the UK Government. However, it appears that despite the Government’s best intentions, this scheme is not working in practice and some urgent readdress is required. There is, therefore, a serious concern that small businesses will start to fa...

/wholesale /covid-19 Finance 2.0

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

Which Fintech sectors will emerge fighting fit from the current Covid-19 crisis?

Whilst the current pandemic induced crisis is yet to reach its peak, and is leaving a trail of personal and economic destruction, we should expect a new landscape to emerge, in many respects, when the dust settles. What does this mean for the Fintech sector in terms of opportunities and how does this impact the individual? 2019: A bumper year for ...

/inclusion /covid-19 Capital Market Technology

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