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David Woodroffe

AI could mean business – but is your asset finance firm ready?

Since the launch of ChatGPT in late 2022, generative AI has captured imaginations and fired debates across the world of business, asset finance firms included. Yes, there’s been a lot of hype and a lo...

16 Nov 2023
Banking and Lending Solutions
David Woodroffe

Can a subscription-based-model drive sustainable growth for auto finance?

Pay-per-use (PPU) business models are fast gaining ground in asset finance, especially for the leasing of commercial equipment and vehicles. But to date, automotive subscriptions have been slower to g...

13 Sep 2023
Banking and Lending Solutions
David Woodroffe

Collaboration will shape the future of asset finance

We live and work in fast-changing times for asset finance. But when the industry’s finest put their heads together, change can not only be a challenge but also a powerful catalyst for innovation and g...

03 Jul 2023
Banking and Lending Solutions
David Woodroffe

Handle asset finance growth opportunities with care

Even the most challenging economic times come with opportunities to grow. But as gaps open for asset finance providers in the current market, it’s more important than ever to understand the risks that...

25 May 2023
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
David Woodroffe

Make EV adoption easier by offering auto finance first

Auto finance is doing bigger business than ever. But in the drive to convert the world to electric vehicles (EVs), there’s huge potential to go further – by embedding finance as the first stop on the ...

28 Mar 2023
Banking and Lending Solutions
David Woodroffe

Preparing asset finance firms for greener growth

Despite a tough economic environment, many of the asset finance providers I talk to are confident about their growth prospects in 2023. And one of the biggest opportunities at the moment lies in green...

06 Mar 2023
Banking and Lending Solutions

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