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Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Preventing financial crime and delivering seamless customer onboarding - can you accomplish both?

Recent research points to an increase in financial crime as criminals take advantage of access to billions of compromised data records for sophisticated application fraud attacks targeted at financial institutions. The research we carried out with the AITE Group in 2018 found that 13 billion data records were stolen or lost in the US since 2013, wh...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Why delivering personalised communications is a must in financial services

Study after study highlights personalisation is what consumers increasingly expect from the brands they engage with. For example, research from Epsilon reveals that 80 per cent of consumers are more likely to do business with a company that offers personalised experiences. With online financial institutions that rises to 89 per cent, and for those...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Is now the time for one global ID verification data source?

It is an inescapable fact that for effective ID verification, and therefore KYC and AML compliance, financial services companies need to access to billions of records in real-time to ensure adequate checks are made while onboarding a new customer, and deliver that all-important smooth customer experience. The issue is, if you are a financial servi...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Open banking opens the door to fraudulent activity. How can it be combatted?

Open banking not only opens up a world of opportunity for financial services companies seeking to improve the customer experience, but also presents a potential gold mine for fraudsters, particularly through identity fraud. With more financial institutions than ever before sharing customer data in the open banking world, some of it fraudulent, ther...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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