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Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

ID Verification is no longer an obstacle to global growth

The global growth of banks and challenger fintechs based in the western world has long been restricted because of issues related to effective identity (ID) verification. The stumbling block has been large parts of the world’s population, particularly in Africa and Asia, lacking verifiable private addresses and internationally recognised IDs. This ...

/regulation /identity Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Seamless 2x2 ID verification is critical during and post pandemic

What is clear from the pandemic is that financial institutions need a standout online presence if they are to prosper today and in the future. The health crisis has hastened acceptance and reliance on digital solutions for home working and shopping. The same goes for banking and payments as consumers become increasingly comfortable engaging with th...

/regulation /identity Data Management and Governance

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

eIDV essential as pandemic drives digitalisation

The world was already speeding into the digital age before Covid-19. However, the pandemic has supercharged the process prompting financial services companies to improve engagement with their customers across all digital channels. The reason - consumers are increasingly worried about visiting high street branches in the current climate and recognis...

/regulation /identity Digital Identity Management

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Get back to basics with data to survive and grow in challenging times

The financial services industry is in unchartered territory as it attempts to plot a path through the current pandemic. Financial institutions are having to make big decisions at speed about how they operate and service customers during this challenging time, along with how they plan for a post COVID-19 world. At least with most decision makers wor...

/regulation /covid-19 Data Management and Governance

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Why retrospective ID investigation is critical for 5AMLD compliance

Time pressure and cost are two big issues faced by those in financial services as they seek to ensure compliance with a proliferation of new know your customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. One of those that recently became law is the Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (5AMLD), with its focus on strengthening transparency ru...

/regulation Digital Identity Management

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Time for a reality check with AI

When the debate in financial services turns to artificial intelligence (AI), reality often gets lost in the excitement, with enthusiastic talk about over ambitious uses of the technology rather than what it can effectively deliver today. By being smart with AI, and not attempting to get AI to ‘do it all’, it’s possible for the banking world to leve...

/ai Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

How can fintech SMEs ensure compliance with industry-wide regulations?

The financial services industry must ensure compliance with a plethora of national and international regulations, particularly those related to KYC and AML, which can be very costly in terms of both time and money. Existing regulations and the pipeline of new directives pose a potential issue for start-ups and SMEs because they often don’t have th...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Time to prepare for the Fifth Anti-Money Laundering Directive

Hot on the heels of the Fourth Anti-Money Laundering Directive (4AMLD), the fifth version (5AMLD) is set to become law throughout the EU on 10 January 2020. With a focus on strengthening transparency rules, this mandate will further deter the concealment of funds and enable the EU to remain one step ahead in the fight against financial crime. 5AML...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

Think compliance is expensive? In the age of open banking, it’s your smartest investment

In an increasingly competitive mobile-first world, it’s time for banks to be ethical with the data customers entrust to them – obeying relevant rules and regulations, as well as leading the way in delivering best practices in customer service and convenience. Otherwise, customers will vote with their feet and take their business to those financial...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

How can banks win against the tech and internet giants?

Innovation has not occurred at a rapid pace in banking as it has in other industry sectors. Over a year down the line from the introduction of open banking it’s only fairly recently that we have started to see the first signs of the innovation it promised in helping to improve services for customers in the digital age. One of the most prominent ha...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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