106 Results from 2009, /wholesale
Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra
So, everyone's a'flutter over Twitter? I wouldn't count on it. Here at Finextra we set up our own Twitter feed last year, just as an experiment. To set the ball rolling, we identified all Community members with a Twitter account and started following them. Over the past couple of months there's been a noticeable drop-off in tweets from individuals...
27 March 2009 /retail /wholesale Finance 2.0
Public anger at banking excess seems to be boiling over into direct action and mob rule. Following the public hanging of a banking effigy at a rally in Marble Arch and the bus tours of AIG executive mansions organised by US activist groups, the latest person in the firing line is former RBS boss Sir Fred Goodwin. Police in Scotland are calling fo...
25 March 2009 /retail /wholesale Whatever...
Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia
It' s a line we seem to fall for far too easily, and this is something that scientists say has contributed to the current financial crisis. Studies suggest that the normal mechanisms people use to evaluate risk and reward are not being used when you have an expert telling you what to do. This is backed up by anecdotal evidence that has emerged abo...
24 March 2009 /wholesale Trends in Financial Services
Sibos will never be the same again. In killing off its Thursday night party, Swift has moved with the prevailing mood music. Lavish, big budget entertainment is off the agenda as the financial services industry adapts to a more austere economic climate. But for many long-time Sibos devotees, the party was as big a draw as the conference agenda. It ...
20 March 2009 /payments /wholesale Finextra@Sibos
Retired Member
Given the amount of negative press swirling around the financial services industry--and in particular around the banking segment of the industry, it would be great if some of the banks who are not at the center of the storm would step up to the plate and be a little (or even a lot) more visible. The results of a Nielsen IAG survey released yeste...
20 March 2009 /regulation /wholesale Women in Technology
Having mopped the floor with Jim Cramer and CNBC, the Daily Show's Jon Stewart has turned his attention to the practice of short-selling in this typically barbed report from regular correspondent Samantha Bee (AKA the Money Honey Bee). For a comedian, Stewart's done a lascerating job in exposing Wall Street hypocrisy and cant. But is he trading o...
18 March 2009 /wholesale Video extravaganza
A slew of job cuts across financial services have been announced over the course of the last few weeks and there is no doubt that these are the tip of the iceberg. Some reports have even gone as far as suggesting that redundancies in the financial services sector will reach tens of thousands before the year is out. The knee jerk reaction to tough...
16 March 2009 /wholesale
Want to know how Bernie Madoff swindled his billions, but only got a minute to spare? Ernie from Sesame Street explains all here. Not sure that I fully approve of Ernie's rather Tarantinoesque retribution.
16 March 2009 /regulation /wholesale Video extravaganza
"Serious Fraud Office questioning Archers' Matt Crawford over possible fraud in Ambridge" That's the headline from a real piece of PR sent out by the real Serious Fraud Office about a probe into the activities of a well-known but fictional British businessman. For those of you not steeped in this quintessentially English institution, the ...
06 March 2009 /retail /wholesale Whatever...
John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd
There have been calls this month from the European Union for the creation of a pan-European regulatory body to help solve the current financial crisis and prevent future issues. This is a deceptively easy thing to call for in the current climate, but it neither makes it easy to implement, nor indeed is there much evidence that it would be any more...
06 March 2009 /regulation /wholesale Trends in Financial Services
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