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Does Jon Stewart use inside information?

Having mopped the floor with Jim Cramer and CNBC, the Daily Show's Jon Stewart has turned his attention to the practice of short-selling in this typically barbed report from regular correspondent Samantha Bee (AKA the Money Honey Bee).

For a comedian, Stewart's done a lascerating job in exposing Wall Street hypocrisy and cant. But is he trading on inside information?

Take a bow Larry Leibowitz, head of US execution and global technology at Nyse Euronext, who can be seen here ringing the opening bell at the Nyse just yesterday in celebration of the launch of the Exchange's Universal Trading Platform.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Jon (Scourge of Wall Street) Stewart and Larry (Wall Street Bigshot) Leibowitz are literal brothers in arms.

The talk show host once joked that he changed his name to Stewart because Leibowitz "sounded too Hollywood".


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Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose

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