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980 Results from /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

SFO to lift clear-up rates; invents new case in Ambridge

"Serious Fraud Office questioning Archers' Matt Crawford over possible fraud in Ambridge" That's the headline from a real piece of PR sent out by the real Serious Fraud Office about a probe into the activities of a well-known but fictional British businessman. For those of you not steeped in this quintessentially English institution, the ...

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Regulation: learn how to walk again, before you try to run

There have been calls this month from the European Union for the creation of a pan-European regulatory body to help solve the current financial crisis and prevent future issues. This is a deceptively easy thing to call for in the current climate, but it neither makes it easy to implement, nor indeed is there much evidence that it would be any more...

/regulation /wholesale Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Snouts in the trough

We’ve heard much about how bankers have been rewarded too much for doing too little. And we’ve mainly heard it from politicians. So, now I’m going to give the bankers a break. As long as I can remember in politics (and that’s a long time), there have been allegations levelled – and fairly regularly proven - against politicians abusing their status....

/regulation /wholesale Trends in Financial Services

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Flying high: Ken Lewis stonewalls in style

Bank bosses just don't get it. BofA president Ken Lewis is once again in hot water after flying to a hearing in New York with Attorney General Andrew Cuomo on a luxury private jet. Lewis was there to answer questions about billion dollar bonus payouts to Merrill staff in December. Officials say he refused to supply the information Cuomo wanted, but...

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Protestors hang banking effigy at 'family event'

This is getting serious. Following on from the politically-sanctioned banking witch trials in Parliament, demonstrators have hanged an effigy of a banker from Marble Arch in protest at the growing financial crisis. The Evening Standard reports that a group called the Government of the Dead dressed up as zombies for the demonstration. Scores of rev...

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings 

Charity Thames Walk

OK so this may not be entirely relevant to our usual content covered here on Finextra but I wanted to use my blog profile as a platform to share with the world (well based on our recent user figures we're getting towards the whole world!) the training for and subsequent charity walk I will do doing in April. So what am I doing? From 22 - 28 April ...

/payments /wholesale Whatever...

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Maybe you could be at next year's Oscars

Well perhaps, that is if you take up Michael Moore's invitation to help him out with his next film project. < I am looking for a few brave people who work on Wall Street or in the financial industry to come forward and share with me what they know. Based on those who have already contacted me, I believe there are a number of you who know "...

/regulation /wholesale

Kumar Jm

Kumar Jm Business Consultant at Indian Fortune 500

Darwin's Survival Theory Rehashed

I found an interesting article captioned "Bill Adds Hurdles for Foreign Hires" on Wall Street Journal online edition. Serious lobbying is in progress to restrict hiring of expat experts / workers by banks receiving funding under the TARP program. To put things into perspective the cu...

/regulation /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Shoot the messenger

A poll of CEOs at Fortune 1000 companies conducted by Frost & Sullivan has concluded that the global economic slump is all the fault of 'the media', which is twisting facts and exaggerating economic statistics in a desperate bid to sell more copies and attract more eyeballs. "Because of this, consumers and business have frozen spending, c...

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Save the children - The International gets an X rating

The New York Times does a good job of reviewing The International - a new zeitgeist-tapping movie that portrays the nefarious activities of a fictitious international bank dubbed IBBC. As the NYTimes reviewer wryly observes: "That multinational weapons manufacturers can be portrayed as more decent, civic-minded and principled than global fina...

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

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