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Charity Walk - the final countdown

Thought I'd give you a quick update on my walk. The kick off is under 4 days away now and I will be setting off next Tuesday (21 April). I am looking forward to the challenge and the experience but I must admit I am getting a little nervous!4 months of solid training is now coming down to 9 days following the Thames through field and town - and having already done the first leg as a practice run there are plenty of really big rolling fields to get through. So much for the Thames path being flat! Having already done the first leg as a practice is very handy as I managed to get lost 3 times, which added 3 miles to my journey so at least on the first day I won't be making the same mistake twice!

All I need to do is shake off this head cold, which has been bothering me all week and I will be sorted.

Thanks to everyone who has sponsored me so far - and thanks to Alan Deurden for his excellent PR skills, my family and the Sue Ryder team for all their support up to now.

So all I need to do now is walk 184 miles!

Finally still time for some sponsorship action:

My next update will be from somewhere along the Thames so over and out for now!


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Nick Hastings

Nick Hastings

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