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980 Results from /wholesale

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Retired Member 

Can banks manage new liquidity requirements?

Banks’ risk management capabilities are under the spotlight following the events of the past two years. The issue of liquidity used to sit firmly with the treasury department, but the advent of RTGS (real time gross settlement) has broadened its scope and the current scarcity and cost of liquidity means that this problem now affects the flows in ...

/payments /wholesale

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

The hidden cost of delay

For most financial sector decision makers, the challenging market conditions of the past year or so - despite any recent positive portents that countries are exiting recession - have promoted a natural prudence or caution when it comes to initiating change or projects. It is tempting for them to delay an explicit project cost, or to introduce an a...

/wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

George Ravich

George Ravich President at Ravco Marketing, LLC

SibosEye-Opener: Why Can't a Payment be More Like a FedEx?

Sibos was once again a hectic, frenetic week of meetings and eye-opening conversations. Fundtech was fortunate to announce BofA as its first customer for its new SOA payments platform. The explanation by Cindy Murray – EVP of Innovation at BofA of how they plan to use this new technology was worth repeating. As Cindy explained it: When you send ...

/payments /wholesale Transaction Banking

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Sibos 2009 - in words, pictures and videos

The Finextra@Sibos team have returned from Hong Kong exhausted but exhilarated after a week in which we posted: 30 news stories 100 company announcements 108 photos 9 videos Members of the global Finextra@Sibos community were also busy at the show, writing 27 blog posts to provide a unique insider's perspective on this year's exhibition and confe...

/sibos /wholesale Finextra@Sibos

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Customers Expect

It’s clear that corporations expect more than ever before from their banking service providers. They are demanding the same level of insight for payments as they receive for other areas of their business, e.g. the tracking of products in the manufacturing cycle. At the moment, however, many payment systems are not dissimilar to a “black hole” - th...

/payments /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Uncertainty of Pricing Models

I managed to catch some of the first day on Thursday of the "Pricing Model Validation: Mitigating Model Risk" conference. I thought it would be worthwhile going along since firstly the past 12-18 months have made model risk very topical both from the perspective of some of the failings in the use of certain complex derivative pricing mod...

/regulation /wholesale Data Management 101

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Trade Reporting; all at sea

You would have though that trade reporting would be a simple thing with the regulatory organisation specifying what they wanted reported, by what medium, by whom and when but this is all too simplistic for today's markets. A discussion with one of the UK's top firm's compliance officers this week opened my eyes to the sheer lunacy of regulatory re...

/wholesale MiFID

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

Be Afraid or Be Ready

It is not too late to register for our web cast on risk and regulation in financial services - Be Afraid or Be Ready - sponsored by Adobe. The live event will take place at 14:00 BST on Thursday, 10 September 2009. Regulatory reporting has long been seen as an onerous and manually intensive process. The threat of more frequent and more detailed rep...

/regulation /wholesale

Gert Raeves

Gert Raeves Research Director at Adox Research Limited

Pricing - Mind the Gap

Two widely-accepted facts: valuation processes sit in the front office, reporting sits in the back. But what's in the middle? Often, it's been a chasm where the basic details on how/when/why an asset or portfolio was priced disappear, never to be found - a problem when the regulators knock on the door. Demand for independent price verification (IPV...

/wholesale Data Management 101

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Cash management - think of the carrot, not the stick

Cash management - think of the carrot, not the stick As the FSA’s deadlines for liquidity compliance draw closer, the topic is constantly in the press and is receiving plenty of lip service. The FSA estimated that the combined cost to the industry will be £150-200m, which will likely echo the Olympics 2012 budget and fall far short of the true c...

/regulation /wholesale

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