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980 Results from /wholesale

Retired Member

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How to turn new FATCA regulations into competitive advantage

Financial organisations are starting to sweat as the first deadline for FATCA compliance looms on the horizon. Next January 1st will see banks ringing in the New Year with new account opening procedures to identify US account holders and classify them into a FATCA category. Moreover, by the end of next year, they will need to conduct look-back on...

/regulation /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Integrating the Manufacturers value chain

Corporate eBanking services are relatively new in emerging markets and are just beginning to take off. With many treasurers set to upgrade their payment systems there is an opportunity to provide them with a support system that helps them make all-inclusive decisions on their financial supply chain. The vast physical dealer network in the emergin...

/wholesale Treasury Management

Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

The EU Directive on Late Payments

The EU directive on Late Payments (2011/7/EU) is just around the corner. The new Directive will have to be transposed into national law by 16 March 2013 at the latest by all countries in the European Union. The provisions of the new directive include, among others: Public authorities will have to pay for the goods and services that they procure wi...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Supply Chain

Marc Murphy

Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo

Solving the complexity of FATCA classification

Under FATCA rules, every foreign financial institution (FFI) must identify and classify all its clients with US indicia, but also do the same for all parties to financial transactions, including other FFIs and non-financial foreign entities (NFFEs). The challenge here lies in the complexity of the classification that needs to be carried out to ens...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Enterprise Governance in Banks

Everyone’s talking about enterprise (business) governance. Typically conversations focus on the application of structured controls across the enterprise to ensure enterprise-wide collaboration between different business units and IT. This in turn, drives the adoption and practice of policies, standards, controls, frameworks, knowledge content and ...

/wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Insurers - Get with the Times

I have been in the insurance software business now for more than 25 years, and early in my career, the question was raised: “Why do brokers have client administration systems while insurers struggle on with multiple, unconnected policy administration systems?” During all my time in the business, nobody has been able to tell me why insurers wish to...

/retail /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Unlock hidden value in existing customer relationships

Is relationship pricing and billing on your radar for 2013? Did you know? For every $1 billion in annual revenue generated by global transaction services, banks can “leak” upwards of $25 million – revenue they should be collecting. Let’s face it. There’s no shortage of challenges currently facing global transaction banking. Against a backdrop of in...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

6 Nations 2013 - Finextra Fantasy League

It’s that time of year again… the RBS 6 Nations kicks off this weekend and as a result so does (the arguably more important) Finextra Fantasy League on ESPN As with previous years, it’s free and easy to play and Finextra will award a bottle of champagne to the winner. There is a ‘lucky-dip’ team selection option so even if you have no id...

/payments /wholesale After hours

Marc Murphy

Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo

Will FATCA turn banks into tax advisors?

What a difference a week makes! Since the announcement of the final regulations, it seems that every financial institution has just hit the accelerator button on their FATCA programmes. As a result, we’ve been powering through presentations and demonstrations on how our FATCA solutions work in practice. As part of this, I’ve been giving more tho

/regulation /wholesale

Enrico Camerinelli

Enrico Camerinelli Supply Chain Blockchain Personal Coach at Aite Group

Why is Supply Chain Finance so Slow to Grow?

There is no question that the principles of supply chain finance (SCF) are strong and that the correspondent benefits are considerable. The perspective to get financed on the basis of the client’s creditworthiness should line up multitudes of roaring companies demanding for such an attractive—and apparently low cost—facility. Yet, reality shows th...

/wholesale Financial Supply Chain

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