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980 Results from /wholesale

Patricia Hines

Patricia Hines Head of Corporate Banking at Celent

International Expansion: Overcoming Geographic Differences

I recently published a blog post titled “International Expansion in Financial Services” discussing how banks are supporting the needs of multi-national companies through expansion into new geographies. Meeting the needs of demanding corporate clients in remote geographies can be challenging for global, national and regional banks. As banks follow ...

/wholesale Transaction Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The boy is back in town!!

Well I may not have posted for such a long time but I have been receiving my Finextra every day and reading them. One of the good things about being ill is that it gives you time to read and reflect and also investigate some of the in-equalities that we in our modern day society take for granted! Lets choose something simple like “Banking” it’s so...


Marc Murphy

Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo

Future-proofing beyond FATCA with bulk auto-classification

There’s little doubt that the six-month FATCA compliance delay is a welcome reprieve for foreign financial institutions (FFIs) across the world. It comes at a time when FFIs were beginning to feel overwhelmed – not necessarily by the complexity of what they have to do to become FATCA compliant, but by how much they need to do. Financial institutio...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Will High NIM Propel Indian Banks Into FORTUNE 500?

The fragmented state of the banking industry and, arguably, the relatively conservative policies of the Indian banking regulator Reserve Bank of India, have kept the assets of Indian banks somewhat subdued compared to their global peers. Not surprisingly, league tables that use asset as the benchmark to rank banks have always been bereft of an ent...

/retail /wholesale

Marc Murphy

Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo

A horizontal lifecycle approach to regulatory onboarding

Over the last few months alone, we’ve witnessed: the finalisation of FATCA, Dodd-Frank, EMIR, MiFID II rules, the proposal for an enhancement of existing money laundering rules in the form of the 4th EU Money Laundering Directive, the completion of Customer Due Diligence (CDD) rules by FinCEN in the US, and the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FC...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

Patricia Hines

Patricia Hines Head of Corporate Banking at Celent

International Expansion in Financial Services

Corporates in advanced economies are accelerating their international expansion ambitions as they look to escape slow growth at home and expand abroad, looking to capture sales growth in geographies that are demonstrating GDP growth. In its April 2013 World Economic Outlook Update, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects 3.3% overall global ...

/wholesale Transaction Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Half a job

MiFID, the mother of all European financial regulation, rumbles on and on. The European Commission’s MiFID IIconsultation in 2011, the Ferber Report in March 2012, and the European Parliament vote in October 2012 were all highly anticipated and widely reported on. But despite the fact that the Council of Ministers has published more than 20 differ...

/regulation /wholesale

Marc Murphy

Marc Murphy CEO at Fenergo

Beneficial Ownership: A KYC opportunity or data nightmare?

Beneficial ownership is gaining significant exposure at the moment, with the UK intending to use its presidency of the G8 Leaders’ Summit next month to promote the improvement of international co-operation on tax evasion and push for greater transparency and accountability. As David Cameron, Prime Minister of Britain, states, “… dealing with tax e...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

FpML in Syndication

What is FpML? FpML is Financial Product Markup Language; it is an attempt to have the systems of different financial institutions speak and understand a common language and communicate electronically. FpML strives to establish a new protocol for sharing information between different entities. It is based on eXtensible Marketup Language, or XML, th...


Alan Jenkins

Alan Jenkins Principal at Jenkins UK Limited

Ten Years of Competitive Clearing

This long weekend marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of Competitive Clearing for Equities. It was on Monday 5th May 2003 that virt-x exchange, the former Tradepoint (and subsequently re-named SWX Europe), fulfilled its launch commitment to provide pan-European market participants with their own choice of clearing, through either LCH or the ne...


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