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106 Results from 2009, /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Crunch - the game for utter bankers

We missed this first time around, but it should definitely be on the Christmas shopping list for all self-respecting Finextra Community members. Crunch - the game for utter bankers is a devious card game that places you at the head of the boardroom as a CEO of a global bank juggling the conflicting demands of your ailing bank and your future retir...

/retail /wholesale Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Call for opinion - US withholding tax

Last week saw the largest ever gathering of QIs, NQIs, Auditors, US Withholding Agents and solutions vendors since 2001 when the US withholding tax regulations - 1441 NRA came into force. 100 attendees discussed the impact of US tax regulations for two days. The US Joint Congressional Committee on Tax (JCT) indicated prior to the conference that ...

/regulation /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted

What happens when you buy the cart , but not the horse?

With the Caplin Xaqua application earlier in the week, and now this low-latency network supplied by Colt - word on the street is that the industry will be seeing a lot more IT-related projects emerging from Nomura. Independant developers and freelance programmers are a chatty bunch. Nomura got a sweet bargain when it acquired the European and Asia...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Integrated Data and Analytics Management

What is Integrated Data Management?... At a seminar a week or so back, I was asked the somewhat academic question was "What is Integrated Data Management?". Certainly everyone seemed convinced that there would be less "Enterprise Data Management" (EDM) projects in future, given the expense, scope and scale of such projects. The...

/regulation /wholesale Data Management 101

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Bloomberg help desk saves balloon boy

A heart-warming story currently doing the rounds in financial circles. A trader at Natixis Bleichroeder Capital Management was apparently so distraught at the unfolding boy-in-the-balloon saga that he called the Bloomberg help desk to vent his feelings. The exchange was first posted by Chris Rovzar of the daily Intel, who says the desk jockey in q...

/wholesale Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

You like really really like me...

Okay, I realize that unless you are a perpetual movie geek like me, you may not remember Sally Field's much maligned Academy Award acceptance speech ( I've happily included a clip so you can view it now). But it was the first thought that popped into my head as I read this article about First Direct. I think it's great that the bank is willing t...

/payments /wholesale Transaction Banking

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Twitter and the High Frequency Trader

Rumours that Twitter is in advanced talks with Google and Microsoft about striking data mining deals has resurrected speculation about the use of the microblogging site as a high frequency trading tool. Citing sources familiar with the situation, Allthingsdgital blogger Kara Swisher says Silicon Valley's hottest start-up is deep in discussion abou...

/wholesale Finance 2.0

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A New Model for Payments?

As the dust settles on the credit crunch, it’s clear that banking has entered a new era. While it remains to be seen whether banks will heed the lessons learnt from the past two years in the long-term, there is no question that the crisis has led banks to re-think their payment strategies. Banks want to make the most of this stable source of inco...

/payments /wholesale

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Can banks manage new liquidity requirements?

Banks’ risk management capabilities are under the spotlight following the events of the past two years. The issue of liquidity used to sit firmly with the treasury department, but the advent of RTGS (real time gross settlement) has broadened its scope and the current scarcity and cost of liquidity means that this problem now affects the flows in ...

/payments /wholesale

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

The hidden cost of delay

For most financial sector decision makers, the challenging market conditions of the past year or so - despite any recent positive portents that countries are exiting recession - have promoted a natural prudence or caution when it comes to initiating change or projects. It is tempting for them to delay an explicit project cost, or to introduce an a...

/wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

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