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Nomura launches low-latency European trading service

Nomura has launched a low latency trading service that taps networking technology from Colt to offer clients co-located software hosting connectivity to major exchanges and MTFs in Europe.

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What happens when you buy the cart , but not the horse?

With the Caplin Xaqua application earlier in the week, and now this low-latency network supplied by Colt - word on the street is that the industry will be seeing a lot more IT-related projects emerging from Nomura.

Independant developers and freelance programmers are a chatty bunch. Nomura got a sweet bargain when it acquired the European and Asian arms of Lehman Brothers. However, while they acquired the business, the staff, the real estate et seems that Barclays (which nabbed the US arm of Lehmans) it also took hold of the IT infrastructure supporting most of the major businesses - gloablly. 

Nomura might have Lehmans' old European fixed income traders - but not the trading system they relied on.

Nomura is a hot-bed of recession-busting IT activity right now buy, Buy, BUY!


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