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287 Results from /wealth

Chris Dohrmann

Chris Dohrmann FGE, SVP of Strategic Partnerships at Global Shares, a J.P.Morgan company

Using equity awards to improve recruiting younger employees

What do young employees want for their benefits package? Millennials widely support the prospect of being able to customize benefits, with almost three quarters (73%) agreeing this would be attractive to them. It’s important to remember, though, that generally, millennials only focus on benefits once they are sure that their basic requirements on ...

/wealth /inclusion Fintech

Thomas Pintelon

Thomas Pintelon Head of Strategy at Capilever

Tips and tricks for making investment tools more transparent in these high inflation times

In these times of high inflation - significantly higher than interests on savings - investing your excess money (wisely) is crucial to avoid losing purchasing power. Hundreds of books and courses try to introduce the basic concepts of investing and almost all of them mention a few key guidelines that everyone should follow, i.e. Invest according t...

/wealth /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Jose Pierre

Jose Pierre CEO at Marketware International, Inc.

Let's embrace the future of finance with LLMs!

Once upon a time, in the ever-evolving landscape of technology, a disruptive force emerged that had the potential to transform industries across the globe. This force, known as Large Language Models (LLMs), proved to be a game-changer in various domains, raising hopes and prompting businesses to adapt or risk being left behind. As organizations sc...

/wealth /sibos Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Shiv Nanda

Shiv Nanda Content Strategist at

From Crisis to Opportunity: Using eKYC to Transform Banking

It’s no wonder financial institutions (FIs) are losing millions annually to fraud and money laundering. Despite ongoing amendments to anti-money laundering policies, the industry still faces challenges due to delays in implementing those changes. While scammers devise new methods to exploit the system, banks maintain a slower pace toward digitiza

/wealth /inclusion Banking

Simon Dimoni

Simon Dimoni Remittance and Crypto Payments at HollaPay

Australia's Potential as a Crypto Capital: A Guide for Family Offices and Hedge Funds

Australia's rapid rise from a convict colony to a regional financial powerhouse has captured the attention of investors worldwide. With over a dozen unicorns, including Canva, SafetyCulture, and Airwallex, and 5 of the 11 most liveable cities globally, the country is now recognized as a potential crypto capital for family offices and hedge funds i...

/wealth /crypto Alternative Investments

Luigi Wewege

Luigi Wewege President at Caye International Bank

Polls Reveal Americans Panic About Bank Deposit Safety: A Closer Look With Robert Cannon

This week I was fortunate to do an exclusive interview with Robert Cannon, a financial advisor and fiduciary with over 25 years of experience in the US market. As CNBC pointed out concerns about the safety of bank deposits rising to levels not seen since the 2008 financial crisis, I felt compelled to sit down with Mr. Cannon to explore the curren...

/wealth /predictions Business

Alan Quinlan

Alan Quinlan CEO at dimply

The Importance of Fintech Partnerships

In an era where customers' expectations are quickly rising, it's more important than ever for financial enterprises to offer great experiences. Other industries, such as travel and e-commerce are blazing the trail in delivering fast results, and it's crucial that financial enterprises aren't left behind. Offering smart, data-driven digital experie...

/wealth /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Can Banks Capitalize on Web3 Technologies?

The power and possibilities of Web3 represent a compelling opportunity for banks and financial services firms to consider. These emerging technologies are here to stay, and potentially transformational. So, what exactly is Web3 and what can it deliver? Web3 is a new iteration of the Web, and it is a work in progress. While there’s plenty of infor...

/wealth /retail Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Luigi Wewege

Luigi Wewege President at Caye International Bank

Is Lithium Really The New White Gold? An Investment Perspective

Lithium has been dubbed the "new white gold" due to its increasing importance in the global economy and its potential to revolutionize various industries, particularly electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy. This nickname stems from the article's assertion that lithium is poised to become a vital resource in the shift towards clean...

/wealth /predictions Business

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Investing in Dual Citizenship: All the Benefits of CBI Programs for High Net-Worth Investors

These days, there are many travel programs available that allow people to move around from country to country with greater ease. This phenomenon has opened many different opportunities for people to explore. Over the years, many people have benefitted from migrating to new places. Some people do it because of their circumstances, while others do it...

/wealth Bigger than Technology

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