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221 Results from /sustainable

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

6G Critical Infrastructure and Quantum Secure technologies in mid of 2030's

The spectral technologies in mid of 2030s such as THz communication, molecular communication and quantum communication will dramatically improve the data rate. The blockchain will become an important part of a 6G society using smart devices of all of multimedia data, The 6G new paradigm in the sustainable future will shift intelligent materials. Cy...

/sustainable /crime Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Adrian Sargent

Adrian Sargent Founder and Managing Director at ESG Treasury Ltd

Bank Capital Requirements for Climate Change

All you may have already seen the Finextra article with reference to Green RWA Asssocation, the theory ids bansk need to hold capital for all risks, therefore our paper proposes a methodology to allocate captial for climate change risks. Read the article here:

/regulation /sustainable Banking Regulations

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Innovation is key to solve climate issues - part 3 - The IT and Tech sector as change enabler

This blog is the last article in a series of 3 blogs on how climate issues can be solved through a worldwide roll-out of technological innovations. This last blog focuses on how the IT/Tech sector can help in facilitating the transition towards climate neutrality. Just like the Financial Services sector (see blog 2 -

/sustainable Sustainable compliance

Joris Lochy

Joris Lochy Product Manager at Intix | Co-founder at Capilever

Innovation is the key to solve our climate issues - part 1 - Introduction

Disclaimer: this blog is not directly associated to the financial services and Fintech sector, but as it forms an introduction to a 2nd and 3rd blog, which are indeed related to these sector, I have published this blog nonetheless also on the Finextra platform. My apologies to people considering that this blog is off-topic for this platform. The...

/sustainable Sustainable compliance

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Building for transparency and sustainability in finance

Financial products have a reputation for being difficult to understand when it comes to both terminology and functionality for everyday consumers. Customers often have to deal with an abundance of arcane jargon and long, convoluted application processes. One of the key goals of fintech has been to broaden access to financial products by increasing...

/sustainable /devops API

Tim Duncan

Tim Duncan Founder/CEO at

Automated Redlining in 2020 - Is Tech Systemically Biased?

The Covid-19 health and economic crisis has expanded and accelerated our adoption of technology at a rate never seen before. We are finding ourselves in a place that might otherwise have taken years to get to and are just starting to become aware of the implications. The crisis is also showing us that while technology can move us forward in lea

/sustainable /inclusion Inclusive FinTech

Junta Nakai

Junta Nakai Global Industry Leader - Financial Services at Databricks

How AI and data enables ESG to make real world impact

ESG is a Data and AI problem The benefits of incorporating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) within business targets are well understood by companies and regulators, and especially investors. Research shows a quarter of all fund investors planned to increase holdings in the sustainable sector over the next half year. Organisations lookin...

/sustainable /cloud Big Data

Tejasvi Addagada

Tejasvi Addagada Enterprise Data Head at Fortune 500 financial service provider

BigData Lake for Financial Services - Need to stress on Platform Governance

As Banks and Insurance firms have already embraced Data Lakes for their Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning capabilities, it is important to look for continuous Return on Investment on the platform. If a Data Lake is not well maintained, it can turn into a swamp while finding usable data can confuse the data consumers. Most challenges can ...

/sustainable /devops Analytics in Banking

Olivier Gazon

Olivier Gazon CEO at Sustainable Base Finance

Quantitative easing: the step to make it highly effective

Quantitative easing (QE) programs, i.e. purchase of bonds by Central Banks, have been used to inject liquidity in the economy. Yet studies show that less than 10% of generated liquidity by investors effectively reaches ‘the real economy’. QE programs have created massive liquidity, deposited at Banks. The bottleneck Banks have a structural cap to f...

/sustainable /covid-19 Finance 2.0

James Gannaway

James Gannaway Head of Financial Services at Board International

How Banks can respond to new challenges and plan for a new era of resilience

The Bank of England (BoE) is postponing its climate stress tests, which have been previously well regarded as a ground-breaking initiative to enable in-depth analysis of the impact of global warming on business models and operations of both banks and insurers. The bank’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and the Financial Policy committee in a ...

/regulation /sustainable

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