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221 Results from /sustainable

Tejasvi Addagada

Tejasvi Addagada Enterprise Data Head at Fortune 500 financial service provider

Ten Financial Services use-cases of Catalog, Glossary and Metadata

Banks and Financial institutions are modernizing their data platforms and associated tool-sets to serve the fast needs of data practitioners, including data scientists, data analysts, business intelligence and reporting analysts, and self-service-embracing business and technology personnel. However, as the tool-stack in most organizations is being...

/sustainable /cloud Analytics in Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why policy management is no longer a back-office function

RegTech is set to have a pivotal year in 2021. The pandemic has brought the advantages of using regtech very much to the fore. A particular example has been communication surveillance, given recent announcements from the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on the subject of monitoring home workers as effectively as those in an office environment....

/regulation /sustainable RegTech

Shikko Nijland

Shikko Nijland CEO at INNOPAY

Digital Sustainability: call to action against global data pollution

I'm convinced this year will be a decisive turning point in the war against a creeping yet potentially devastating type of pollution. This is the 'data pollution' which threatens to overwhelm our digital world. Just as nations are now committing to more challenging environmental targets in the physical world, we must also recognise the threat of da...

/regulation /sustainable Data sharing

Domile And

Domile And Sustainable Finance, Impact Investing at Cyan Reef

ESG after COVID-19

ESG awareness has been growing slowly in the past decade, however in the past couple of years there has been a significant shift in the uptake of ESG investing, talks about the ESG philosophies and companies’ fiduciary duty to adopt ESG principles. There is still much more to be done and achieved, but today there is already a wider focus on ESG, ad...

/sustainable /covid-19 Financial Risk Management

Darshna Shah

Darshna Shah Lead Data Scientist at Elastacloud

A Data Scientist’s introduction to sustainable finance

A marked change in atmospheric carbon has always been incompatible with Earth’s stability, and has been a feature of all 5 mass extinctions. In previous events in has taken volcanic activity up to one million years to increase atmospheric carbon to cause a catastrophe, but an extremely fast and energy-thirsty growth has led to similar events occur...

/sustainable Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Sophie Dionnet

Sophie Dionnet VP Strategy at Dataiku

Alternative data, AI, and ML: The road to socially responsible recovery

With a total shutdown of certain sectors of activity, it was not surprising that in June, leading economic forecaster EY Item Club predicted that GDP would shrink by 8% this year. Though the drop was not as dramatic as expected, the Office for National Statistics reported that GDP in June was still a sixth below its level in February, before the v...

/wholesale /sustainable Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Chandan Goel

Chandan Goel Manager-Data Engineering at PublicisSapient

Parallelising with TERADATA - The right way

Background and Motive Data predominantly is core to any and every organisation and so does Data Engineering. Especially in financial/banking industry where data’s availability and its fast processing in timely manner is even more important, from different perspective like customer retention, decision-making and regulatory requirements too. An ask ...

/retail /sustainable BANKING banking on BIGDATA

Farah Miller

Farah Miller CEO at Helixtap Technologies

Commodity trading and ESG: using technology to support sustainability in the natural rubber industry

Investing in ESG Investment decisions based on ESG criteria are growing and for an increasing number of asset managers, ESG inclusion in their decision-making is ever more apparent, as they see this focus as return-enhancing and risk-mitigating. Sustainability-focused funds continue to attract more capital. For example, CNBC (2020) referenced a st...

/sustainable /markets Sustainable compliance

Michael Boukadakis

Michael Boukadakis CEO at ENACOMM

Enablers or Disruptors: Where Do FinTechs Fit?

In the first half of 2020, $2 trillion in cash landed in deposit accounts of U.S. banks and credit unions, according to FDIC data. From corporate borrowing to cash-hoarding and stimulus checks, the unprecedented surge was a result of the pandemic. Megabanks saw the greatest deposit gains—they have the most U.S. retail customers, after all, and serv...

/retail /sustainable Disruption in Retail Banking

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

Society 5.0 needs Digital Asset Fintech Hubs

Japan’s “Society 5.0” refers to the fifth stride in human civilization evolution to create a “super-smart” future society which leverages the technological innovations of the current fourth industrial revolution (4IR) to achieve economic advancement and embed these in society to solve people’s problems so that they can live better lives. And Digit...

/sustainable /inclusion Bigger than Technology

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