849 Results from /startups
Elizabeth Lumley Global FinTech Commentator at Girl, Disrupted
I used to work in an office in the Fruit and Wool Exchange on Brushfield Street in London back before Spitalfields Market was done over in the midst of the dot.com booming late 90s. A client dropped by the office to look at the space. They were a financial technology (as it was called back then) storta startup who was looking for office space. The...
20 April 2016 /startups
Graham Seel Principal Consultant at BankTech Consulting
Blockchain (distributed ledger) technology is at the height of the hype cycle. VC funding so far has exceeded $1 billion. Banks, payment and clearing systems, government agencies and service providers have also invested strongly. Many of the largest banks are exploring, experimenting, testing and even piloting blockchain applications. So will bloc...
18 April 2016 /startups Innovation in Financial Services
Retired Member
Beware of compelling ideas that are too logical... The story has been told over and over. Steve Jobs looked at Segway and said... I want 10% of this action for $63 million. The inventor Dean Kamen said, forget it. Jeff Bezos and John Doerr joined in shortly. The hype was insane. The failure was spectacular. Next time an expert tells you that some
05 April 2016 /startups
Banks can meet changing customer expectations, but it won’t be easy. Partnering with the best Fintech firms will be a tremendous help. But what will characterize the best Fintechs? This is the fourth in a series of articles exploring Fintech's role in transformation of banking. Can Banks Ever Meet Customer Expectations? looks at the customer satis...
29 March 2016 /startups Innovation in Financial Services
PSD2 is upon us. As all banks know, the industry has around two years or so to comply with this directive, despite there being a lack of clarity around certaintechnical areas. Perhaps because of this lack of clarity, many banks have yet to embark on the API strategies that will allow them to fulfil their obligations under PSD2. To them, it is jus...
28 March 2016 /retail /startups
Today's connected customer expects more of their bank. Whether they are consumers or businesses, they want an Apple- or Amazon-like experience. This represents both an opportunity and a challenge of epic proportions for today’s banks. In this and future blogs we will explore how banks can deliver a distinctive “native digital” experience across all...
03 March 2016 /retail /startups Innovation in Financial Services
Long considered a protected space dominated by a few, the financial services industry is currently riding a giant wave of entrepreneurial disruption, disintermediation, and digital innovation. Recent industry developments such as the regulatory pressure as well as the criticality of business intelligence and customer experience are impacting banks...
02 March 2016 /startups
A female CEO, of a shit hot FinTech company, needs to change her name back to her maiden name because investor after VC routinely ignored her in favour of her co-founder (who also happens to be her husband). A young Oxford graduate, who founded a small FinTech startup with her friends emails to ask 'How can I be a women in Fintech - when I feel so...
17 February 2016 /startups Women in Technology
Food for thought for those in a hurry: why doesn't a card payment terminal need to check with all other terminals worldwide that your card is genuine?.. Bitcoin hype seems to be superseded by its blockchain flavour. Bitcoin start-ups still raise money, so do blockchain ones - it's tempting to chase unicorns in the "rocket science" area fe...
02 February 2016 /startups Innovation in Financial Services
"Estimated counts from different regional and global lists puts the existing number of fintech startups at anywhere between 5,000 to 6,000 companies, all vying for market share in different sub sectors, ranging from mobile payments, data analytics and virtual banking to online lending, bitcoin applications and crowd funding" I read in a r...
12 January 2016 /startups
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