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Janine Grainger

Janine Grainger

CEO at Easy Crypto
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Bio CEO and Co Founder of Easy Crypto, New Zealand's leading cryptocurrency trading platform. Easy Crypto offers a secure, simple and easy-to-understand way for everyone to get involved in the cryptocurrency market supporting over 250,000 users across NZ, Australia and South Africa.



Why investors are swapping lawns for ledgers…

24 Jun 2024

In an era in which the traditional ‘white picket fence’ feels increasingly out of reach for many, a growing number of investors are trading in their ambitions of home ownership for a stake in the digital frontier. This trend isn't just a fleeting fad - it's a significant shift in how people are thinking about investment and wealth creation. Janin...


Why obsessing over crypto headlines is a dangerous investment habit

12 May 2024

Fifteen years ago, crypto wasn’t on the mainstream media’s radar; but today, it frequently captures the spotlight on drive-time, lunch-time and evening news channels, drawing both seasoned investors and curious newcomers into its orbit. While it’s exciting to witness this once-niche market gaining traction as the flood of crypto headlines inundate ...


Making cents (sense!) of post-halving pricing…

23 Apr 2024

The transaction that first gave Bitcoin any sort of monetary value happened in October 2009 when a Finnish computer science student Martti Malmi (‘Sirius’) sold 5,050 coins for $5.02, meaning each Bitcoin was worth $0.0009 each. In today’s terms, if he had held on to his coins, he’d be (circa) NZ$555,500,000 richer. Today, we all know “someone who...


What everyday investors need to know about a ‘Bitcoin halving’

09 Apr 2024

As we head towards mid April, the investment world is abuzz with speculation and hype around the upcoming ‘Bitcoin halving’. But what is a Bitcoin halving, and why is it so significant in terms of price? More pointedly - should we place our faith in predictions around the current Bitcoin halving leading to a bull run? And if prices do inflate, wil...