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334 Results from /sibos

Siddharth Udani

Siddharth Udani Client Partner at Consulting

SIBOS 2011: what do you need?

So which topic will steal the show at SIBOS this year.. Post Crisis wheres the growth? final words on SEPA? e-Invoicing? Basel III? Mobile Payments? Security Infrastructures? Renminbi? My take is post crisis wheres the growth should be the mantra and other topics are value adds with specifics. Are banks expecting more M&As post crisis, restruct...

/payments /sibos Banking Architecture

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To be or not to be social

Love it, hate it, but you simply can’t ignore it. In recent years, few things have attracted more attention than the social networking phenomenon. With Facebook’s population adding up to the third largest country on Earth, the debate of whether social is here to stay, is long past. Even as the more online-savvy businesses like retailing have embra...

/sibos Social Banks

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Channel Innovation: New Role for a New Generation

After cost control and ubiquity what’s the next frontier for channel innovation? My bet – the mind of the Gen Y customer. This generation of 18 to 20-somethings is a delightful financial contradiction or arch nemesis depending on your personal view, being money-minded but not mindful of it, a fact neatly collaborated by a study some months ago in ...

/sibos Online Banking

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Co-opetition, the Common Sense of Competition

There’s a fascinating term in marine biology to describe the service that ‘cleaner fishes’ provide to other fish, including their natural predators, of removing dead skin and surface parasites; it’s called mutualism – food in exchange for a scrub. When cleaning is underway, a wary truce is called between the cleaner and host species. In the terres...

/sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services

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Banking Efficiency: Kind Cuts

Now that the economy is on the mend, banks may take their foot off the accelerator with regard to cost cuts. But while doing so, they must guard against letting inefficiencies creep into their operations. I am clear that efficiency and cost cutting are two different things, and we must hang on to the former even if we let go of the latter. First ...

/sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services

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The Silver Lining in Greater Regulation

With the dust settling on Reg. E, the regulation that requires U.S. banks and credit unions to get their customers to opt-in for overdraft protection, it looks like banks’ revenue will not fall all that much because a surprisingly high number of customers, particularly habitual offenders, said they needed the facility. Seems that everyone went awa...

/regulation /sibos Innovation in Financial Services

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Mobile recording: now is time to act

So, after all the expectation, it’s happened. With its Revised Policy Statement (10/17), the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has removed the initial exemption for mobile calls and texts. As of 14 November 2011, therefore, financial service businesses must record all relevant electronic communications involving the giving of advice or taking o...

/payments /sibos Financial Services Regulation

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Liquidity trap solution based on negative rate

The term „liquidity trap" was suggested by Keynes (1936) as a situation in which monetary policy is unable to stimulate an economy through increasing money supply or lowering interest rates. Liquidity traps typically occur when deflation is expected. Under the Keynesian conception of a liquidity trap further injections into the money ...

/regulation /sibos Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

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Banking the Other Half

According to estimates: • 2.5 billion people have no access to financial services. • The number of mobile connections worldwide stands at over 5 billion. • Usage of mobile banking will double in less than 3 years to touch 400 million. These facts tell the story of a new banking, which is intent on spreading financial inclusion through the use of lo...

/sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services

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Green, the Colour of Future Banking

This piece is especially for those who believe that sustainability looks good in a mission statement but not on a balance sheet. CFS, U.K., which claims to be the world’s most sustainable bank, turned out stellar results in the first half of 2010, when others were still overcoming the crisis blues. Is sustainability sustainable? Let me answer that...

/sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services

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