187 Results from 2011, /security
Retired Member
According to a recent report by the CIFAS, fraud in the UK is up by 10 percent. Reports like this continue to show evidence that putting more and stronger locks on the door to keep out criminals simply isn’t enough; fraudsters continue to gain access and capitalise on opportunities to defraud (among others) financial institutions and their custome...
22 August 2011 /security /regulation
Over last few months various groups have launched their mobile wallet offerings. In the U.S., Isis, the mobile payment initiative that AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon started last November, recently announced plans to launch a pilot project in 2012. This project will create a payment network that enables customers to pay, redeem coupons and store ...
22 August 2011 /security /payments
Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven
At an event in Indianapolis two weeks ago a banker in the audience ardently challenged me over the transparency of social networks and the subsequent risk of identity theft. There are a lot of identity theft specialists who will warn you of the risks of exposing your identity on social networks and the possibility of compromising your personal inf...
22 August 2011 /security /regulation Online Banking
Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at Safr.me
Cyber scams happen to the young and the old, the rich and the poor. It doesn’t matter how good or bad your credit is, or whether or not you have a credit card. Cybercriminals target everyone, regardless of how much or how little you rely on a computer. The lowest of the lowlifes, however, tend to prey upon the weak and uninformed. And all too often...
20 August 2011 /security /regulation
Pat Carroll Founder/Executive Chairman at ValidSoft
European data privacy laws are arguably the most stringent in the world. That should be great news for companies that meet them when those companies come to offer their services around the world. And that is why my company went through the complex process of applying for a Privacy Seal from EuroPriSe. We wanted to say that our product met a tough
19 August 2011 /security Innovation in Financial Services
Lachlan Gunn Executive Director at European Association for Secure Transactions
Does your bank provide SMS alerts for debit card transactions? If it does, do you use the service? According to an article in the Times of India, with effect from July 2011, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has made it mandatory for ALL Indian banks to provide this service to debit card holders, and all debit card holders are required to register t...
18 August 2011 /security Information Security
The Sony Corporation has been providing consumers with stellar electronics since before the introduction of the Walkman. The past six months have been harsher for Sony, with attacks by hacktivists and numerous breaches of clients’ data. Many recent breaches involved usernames, passwords, email addresses, and in some cases, credit card numbers. Each...
17 August 2011 /security /regulation
This latest data security breach at Citi epitomises the many ways in which data can go astray. In a recently publicised case, data was stolen from Citi by external hackers. The culprits in this most recent Citi data loss are believed to be “insiders” who had privileged access to the bank’s systems. If any lesson is to be learnt from this incident...
10 August 2011 /security /regulation
You’ve probably heard the phrase “a fox watching the henhouse.” Today, that applies to people on the inside of organizations who work in trusted positions, and who use those positions to steal client or employee information for their own personal gain. As much as 70% of all identity theft is committed by individuals with inside access to organizati...
09 August 2011 /security /regulation
In an era of performing more tasks with fewer resources, one would imagine that treasury technology alternatives, specifically bank connectivity, would become easier. Instead, it seems that as staff dwindles, bank communication options increase, and with it, a myriad of considerations. Just think, for a corporate to communicate/interface with j...
02 August 2011 /security Treasury Technology
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