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71 Results from 2022, /security

Steve Bradford

Steve Bradford Senior Vice President EMEA at SailPoint

Out of office, home and away, moving up, moving on; when security goes AWOL

The financial services industry has one of the highest rates of insider data breaches, costing on average $21.25 million in the past year alone. Whether it’s an employee acting with malicious intent, or through accidental data mishandling, staff have access to sensitive information and systems that make them a constant vulnerability. And this thr...

/security /identity Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Banking on Ad Fraud Prevention and Growing High-Street Accounts

Over the past few years, the banking and financial services landscape has transformed massively. Where once the large conglomerates and legacy banks dominated the industry, the rise of ‘Challenger Banks’, modern banks that compete directly with traditional institutions, has created a revolution in financial services. With so many providers now com...

/security /devops Marketing in Financial Services

Jim Steven

Jim Steven Head of Crisis & Breach Response at Experian Consumer Services

Why consumers need to be at the heart of your crisis response plan

Consumers must be at the heart of any crisis response plan. When any business is hit by a crisis, it sends shockwaves throughout the organisation. The impacts of a cyber-attack, health emergency or data breach can be devastating for the business, both financially and reputationally. But the greatest impacts are often felt by consumers or service u...

/security Data Management and Governance

Pavlo Farb

Pavlo Farb Security Engineer at Cossack Labs

Application security in cryptocurrency ecosystem

You can often hear from me and my colleagues security engineers about the defense in depth approach to protecting the user data. Does this mean putting as many tools and security controls in your code or system as the whole market suggests? By no means. When speaking about defence in depth we mean that carefully chosen tools, controls, security po...

/security /crypto Fintech

Shagun Varshney

Shagun Varshney Senior Product Manager at Signifyd

How to take ownership of SCA by understanding Authentication vs. Authorisation

Along with the added security that the newly enforced Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) introduced for online retailers in the UK comes added complications when determining the most efficient and cost-effective way for retailers to process orders. Up until now the discussion around SCA has been about how the new consumer authentication regulatio...

/security /payments

Hash Choudhuri

Hash Choudhuri General Manager (EMEA) at Cribl

Observability: The next phase in the evolution of data monitoring and breach investigations

The pivot by many banking and financial firms to digital by default over the past few years has played out against a huge surge in cybercrime, with the pandemic creating a perfect storm for new methods and types of attack. IBM reports that 23 per cent of all cyber-attacks are directed at financial institutions, while the total cost of a single dat...

/security /devops Data Management and Governance

Pavlo Farb

Pavlo Farb Security Engineer at Cossack Labs

Field level encryption and apps’ re-engineering

One of the most common concerns security engineers hear sounds like “field level encryption is awesome, but alas we can not afford it because we will need to completely rewrite the code and encryption will make everything slow”. I fully agree with the first part, field level encryption is awesome. As for the latter, literally, it could be transla...

/security /regulation Fintech

Liudas Kanapienis

Liudas Kanapienis CEO at Ondato

Is your business exposed to Ukraine sanctions penalties?

Any business is now liable for sanctions violation penalties - not just financial institutions Sanctions compliance used to be primarily a worry for financial institutions. However, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has changed that. Since the invasion that began on 24 February, Ondato has seen a massive and continuing increase in the number of business...

/security /payments

Baldeep Dogra

Baldeep Dogra Director of Solutions Marketing at BlackBerry

For the best cyber defence, be on the Blue Team

The truth is that your business is being attacked by cybercriminals. Yesterday. Today. Every day. Is your business ready? Would you know what to do? When it comes to cyberattacks, there is zero immunity. The BlackBerry 2022 Threat Report found that small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) are currently experiencing 11-13 attacks per day. That’s an att...

/security /crime

Tristan Hinsley

Tristan Hinsley Cybersecurity Engineer at TDI Security -

The Importance of Securing the Manfuacturing Supply Chain

In recent years, supply chain security has been an issue of preeminent importance. We’ve even talked about it previously, though we focused more on the security of software supply chains. With high-profile supply chain attacks hitting some of the biggest names in the industry, it’s proven to be such a hard challenge to tackle. Given the nature of ...


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