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187 Results from 2011, /security

Pat Carroll

Pat Carroll Founder/Executive Chairman at ValidSoft

The security breaches of 2011

2011 presented some fascinating security breaches that could have been prevented. Here are my top three trends, and how to avoid them in 2012! Online identity and social media sites The successful launch of Google+, and its privacy feature which allows users to group certain contacts into different “circles”, highlighted not only that there was...

/security Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Securing New Digital Devices

Laptops, desktops, Macs, mobiles, and tablets are on many people’s wish lists this holiday season. Once these shiny new devices are connected to the Internet, they will be under siege by malware created by criminals in order to steal identities. According to a recent McAfee survey, 60% of consumers now own at least three digital devices, and 25% ow...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How Safe is Your Mobile Wallet?

Consumers love alternatives, especially if the alternative is easy to use and already part of their everyday life. However, most consumers who undertake e-commerce using their mobile device are woefully unaware of the risks. Even when they do, there tends to be an ‘it-will-not-happen-to-me’ response. We are in some ways in the technological dawn ...

/security /payments Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Forecast 2012 - Thirteen Truths of Pipeline Management

T H I R T E E N T R U T H S O F P I P E L I N E M A N A G E M E N T Truth #1: The first truth of pipeline management is, as you might expect, that a strong pipeline avoids the quarter end crunch. You need enough qualified opportunities at each stage. One of the important things about a pipeline is its shape. Imagine two funnel shapes, one ...

/security /payments

Pat Carroll

Pat Carroll Founder/Executive Chairman at ValidSoft

An endless challenge? Or a new beginning?

In my last blog post I wrote about the problems banks will have with fraud detection when the three day payment process window shortens dramatically from January 2012. Because existing risk-engine strategies do not have the benefit of knowing the real-time status of the card holder, banks struggle to determine which transactions are fraudulent and ...

/security /payments Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Managing Family Time On The iPad or iPhone

On our way home from a recent family vacation, my two year old grew understandably anxious and uncooperative while waiting for a flight in an airport terminal. So I handed over my iPhone, hoping to distract her. Within seconds, she had launched the photo application and begun scrolling through the videos of our trip. She’d watch a video, giggle a ...

/security /regulation

Pat Carroll

Pat Carroll Founder/Executive Chairman at ValidSoft

New payment rules - new mindset!

As of 1st January 2012, the three-day wait for fund transfers will be over. Banks must ensure that for all electronic payments (e.g. online banking transfers), the money reaches the payee’s account in a much more timely manner. This is likely to cause problems for banks and may well identify weaknesses in their approach to fraud management in terms...

/security /payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

FSA Call Recording: Big Data

As most of us know, new FSA rulings came into force at the start of last month, demanding that regulated investment firms record all mobile phone conversations relating to transactions in certain markets and store them for six months. These companies already have to store landline conversations securely, and this new ruling will add a further burd...


Paul Love

Paul Love VP Business Development at Konsentus

Card fraud arrest 'too expensive'?!

The concern with stories like the recent one in the Telegraph about it being too expensive for the police to arrest a fraudster - so there are no consequences for the card fraud criminal - is that they erode confidence in the entire payments system. We often talk about fraudsters going for the weakest link, but we don't often think the police wil...

/security /payments

Andre Malinowski

Andre Malinowski Head of International Business at Computop GmbH

Measures to reduce fraud in the internet gaming industry

The more sophisticated the technology used in the internet gaming industry gets, the more advanced the levels of fraud become. From card fraud to identity theft and misrepresentation, providers have had to adapt the way they manage their businesses, their customer identification procedures and their fraud prevention tools. Let’s examine the main c...

/security /payments

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