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101 Results from 2019, /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are banks about to make a mistake using OTPs via SMS?

We’re all well aware that passwords are indeed all but useless at this stage, some have been aware for longer, some more aware of the threats, but I think we’re all there: passwords are not sufficient to protect our money or data anymore. There are a few reasons for this, among which are attacks such as phishing, social engineering, and man-in-the-...

/retail Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Catering to the anytime, anywhere, anything retail consumer: The challenges

Retail eCommerce was a fairly simple operation ten years ago; most retailers’ websites offered a small range of products with long lead times, local delivery and postal returns. Payments were for the most part conducted by card in the local currency; the online experience for the customer was relatively basic. As customer demand for globalisation ...

/retail Digital Banking Trends

Retired Member

Retired Member 

FinTech Revolution: Not there yet

As the month of March draws nearer, there is bound to be a lot of discussion about gender diversity, so I wanted to get an early start writing on one of my favourite topics. And boom, while listening to the FinTech Insider podcast (episode 295), inspiration struck. Let’s question how innovative and disruptive FinTechs really are… For more than a d...

/retail /inclusion Women in FinTech

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Banking Process Automation Hits Its Stride

The Gartner "Hype Cycle" has long been a good way to look at capabilities and think of whether we are in the early days, in the hype, when a new technology has promise but the standards and surrounding ecosystems cannot yet support widespread adoption. Once out of the hype cycle, the new tech brings a fundamental change in capabilities t...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Are biometrics really the way for 2FA?

I have some concerns around the use of biometrics for online authentication. I know I’m not the only one, and my thoughts are probably not original, but I’m going to need some convincing before I start to see biometrics as the most secure, futureproof way of moving forward. There are some frequently cited concerns around biometrics, mainly around ...

/security /retail Biometrics

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Deeper into Digital Identity - Ownership and Control

Another dive into digital identity, following on from two other pieces that aimed to define digital identity itself, and shed light on the importance surrounding the enrolment process. What I want to cover in this short article is the necessity for the individual attached to the digital identity to be the one in control, and to have physical owner...

/security /retail Online Banking

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Deeper into Digital Identity - Enrolment

In my last article I tried to quickly define “digital identity” and point out important aspects to consider when implementing a national digital identity. I also looked to highlight just a few of the benefits that can be drawn from such a platform. One short article couldn’t possibly do this topic justice, so with this piece, I wanted to dig a bit...

/security /retail Online Banking

Anthony Pickup

Anthony Pickup Consultant at Capgemini Invent

What is holding back commercial eID services?

The recent article[1] about the UK governments attempts to facilitate eID for government services being handed to the private sector made me think what is holding the eID market back? With mobile phone and integration of connected devices technologies improving the security and user experience for digital services. The use of biometric sensors in...

/retail Biometrics

Ambrish Parmar

Ambrish Parmar Digital Leader, Strategist, at Thought leader and Start-up Advisor

Addressing unmet banking needs

Time to read: 5 minutes to gain a different perspective On a wet Sunday afternoon, I finally got around to ‘sorting out’ the loft. In our home, the loft is a sanctuary for old memories, captured in the form of books, papers, photos and other personal items. As I rummaged through an assortment of boxes, I picked up an old bank passbook. The passboo...

/retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Anna Milne

Anna Milne 

Design and deliver- creating an agile and secure ecosystem for data to drive open banking services

Data, cloud, security and networks are going to underpin the success of banking’s strategy in open banking, was the strong message at a recent roundtable event hosted by Finextra, in association with Equinix, in central London. Where is everyone? Banks need to understand what the ecosystem is made up of- where each player sits, how each service or ...

/retail Open Banking

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