136 Results from 2013, /retail
Retired Member
In effort to better understand the mobile payments space I find myself spending considerable time speaking with retailers. Retailers - particularly those who have implemented their own closed-loop wallets - provide valuable insight, given they're one of the prime constituents of mobile payments. In my conversations with retailers who have deployed...
19 July 2013 /retail
Olivier Berthier CEO at Moneythor
In an era of mobile first, when any software product manager is chastised for not putting mobile front and center in any roadmap, and when online giants like Facebook pivot to mobile in a big way (or at least try to), it is worth wondering if the desktop and laptop are still important or even relevant in consuming online banking services. By the l...
15 July 2013 /retail Online Banking
A new compliance challenge or a hidden opportunity? UK senior bank employees at risk of jail sentences for banking negligence and failures dominated the headlines out of the Report of the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards. Hidden in the report was an equally populist idea: make bank account numbers portable in exactly the same way as mo...
04 July 2013 /regulation /retail
Many companies, not just within the financial sector, have been looking recently to sell off anonymised data about its customers. Putting aside consumer concerns over privacy, are those organizations missing the real value of that information to their own business? Much of the data financial organizations hold today that is the most valuable in te...
04 July 2013 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, once said: “If you build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful”. This is no different in the banking world and a key part of building this “great experience” is creating effective channels for customers to manage their money digitally. Last week I took part in a panel de...
01 July 2013 /retail
Hans Tesselaar Executive Director at BIAN
Much has been said of the benefits of open standards in banking IT. The introduction of open standards will reduce IT costs and improve banks’ flexibility to develop new and innovative products, which will generally improve bank competitiveness in an ever-changing market. It is increasingly accepted by the banking community then that banks have mu...
27 June 2013 /retail
Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research
Apologies for the headline. NatWest Bank caused a minor ripple through social media today - no, not another network fail - they cracked a joke, on Twitter no less. See below... Not sure if the NatWest brand police know the full backstory of Kim and Kanye but either way, someone in the social media team either just seized the moment, or navigated al...
21 June 2013 /retail
Jim Marous Publisher at The Financial Brand
The financial services industry has a vast reservoir of data on their customers, but is in the infancy stage of utilizing this data for financial or competitive gain. In a study published by the IBM Institute for Business Value in conjunction with the Said Business School at the University of Oxford entitled, "Analytics: The Real World Use of...
20 June 2013 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
With an increasing need for banks to increase revenues and decrease costs, optimizing every marketing contact has never been more important. In addition to leveraging multiple channels to generate a steady stream of new customers, one of the easiest and most steady sources of new businesses and related revenue is to reach out to current customers ...
18 June 2013 /retail Disruption in Retail Banking
Retail bank branch closure is a growing trend in several countries as a cost cutting method. The thinking behind this is logical: branch banking is expensive so it makes sense to drive customers to channels such as online and mobile which still provide a wide range of services but are cheaper for the bank to operate. But will this increasing shift...
18 June 2013 /retail Social Banks
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