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210 Results from 2016, /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Three years on, should banks feel threatened by the UK bank switching initiative?

It has been three years since the Current Account Switch Service (CASS) was launched in September 2013 to give consumers a simple, reliable way of switching current accounts – as opposed to the laborious task of manually transferring direct debits and regular payments from one account to another. CASS has now facilitated well over 3 million switch...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Culture of Compliance - Do You Walk the Walk?

A Culture of Compliance…sure we have that. That’s what everyone says. But do you really? It’s not just about talking the talk, but walking the walk too. Maybe you have strong policies and procedures documenting all the necessary parts of your compliance program, but how are those carried out and embodied by your employees and management? Revie...

/regulation /retail

David Andrzejek

David Andrzejek VP Vertical Solutions at Datastax

Brexit means Brexit, but London could keep its fintech crown

For years, London has been the fintech capital of the world. Is that likely to change now that Britain is gearing up to leave the EU before April 2019? While U.S. regulators have struggled to create a regulatory framework that supports innovation in banking, the U.K. and fellow European Union nations have charged full steam ahead toward open ba

/regulation /retail

Richard Carter

Richard Carter Managing Director at Equiniti Credit Services

Why are we more interested in how many steps we take rather than our credit score?

We live in a world where an ever growing amount of us have Fitbits, Jawbones and other tracking devices that are increasingly measuring and comparing our physical performance. We know how many steps we take, how many calories we’ve consumed (and expended), what our sleep patterns have been and, of course, how much we weigh. This rise of the quan

/retail /inclusion Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Retail Banking Simmers with Technological Promise

Since the financial crisis, the major UK retail banks have primarily been keeping their head down, averting or avoiding scandals and dealing with changing government regulations or mandates. What they’ve failed to account for is the incoming tide of technology that is about to sweep over the world of retail banking. The staid oligopolistic world of...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Hybrid Cloud and Data Analytics: Maturing the Model

Financial services organisations still often face both ways at once on cloud and analytics. They want analytics everywhere but, when it falls short of its promise, retreat. They don’t particularly want cloud everywhere, but find themselves drawn to it like moths to the flame. Why does analytics under-deliver? And why is cloud succeeding, despit...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Ensuring the security of self-service

Last year more than 18,700 attacks were reported on Europe’s ATMs - that’s nearly 1 in 20 ATMs impacted by security breaches and that doesn’t include those that go unreported. As the demand for cash remains strong and with self-service devices being the favoured source, it’s clear that a robust approach to security is vital in order to protect both...

/security /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Call Centres are dead

Technology advances are quietly changing the face of the Collections industry and there are significant implications for organisations that don’t keep up with consumer demand and recognise the potential both financially and operationally. Customer Service as it stands is a frustrating business and rarely achieves positive results. Do you remember...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Goodbye, Santander! The end of a banking love affair

My love affair with Santander began many years ago when I started meeting some of their amazing people at the start of my journey of selling them Meniga's PFM. Over time many of those people became friends because it's hard to resist bankers with such astoundingly large hearts. Don't get me wrong, most banks have a contingent of great minds and fi...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

3 Client Lifecycle Hurdles Facing Wealth Management

According to a recent industry report, the global private banking and wealth management industry is undergoing a buoyant resurgence after a difficult few years brought about by the damage caused by the global financial crisis of 2008. With the global High Net Worth (HNW) wealth expected to surpass $100 trillion by 2025, private banks and wealth ma...


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