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3646 Results from /retail

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Uncertainty Principle - Physics and Finance

In 1927, Heisenberg putforth uncertainty principle to the world of quantum physics. It stated that, more precisely the position is determined, less precisely momentum could be determined. The uncertainty principle was in the context of subatomic particles. Mathematically, the principle states that the product of error (Root Mean Square in dev...

/regulation /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

A return to Vanilla: What will the banks do next?

One thing is for sure the banks are going to be very careful not to create financial products that look like those that have helped create the crisis. We can anticipate that many financial firms will revert to plain vanilla trading to try and build up some confidence with their clients. Keep simple, keep it stupid, might be the order of the day, f...

/retail /wholesale Data Management 101

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

What do Boris Johnson and Wikipedia have in common?

Well not the most obvious question I know. Boris Johnson – London’s headline grabbing mayor – and Wikipedia – an on-line encyclopaedia with definitions generated and maintained by its users – don’t seem to have obvious overlaps. However, they do both generate strong polarised opinions. Take Boris’s famous, or should that be infamous, “ping pong” s...

/retail /wholesale Trends in Financial Services

Chris Barry

Chris Barry Managing Director at V2 Innovations

Why create a new brand?

What processes and decisions lead a company to create an offshoot of their main brand? I get the direct bank concept and the attraction; however it appears that the common theme is to basically make the direct bank a separate entity entirely with the hopes that cross sell with the main brand will eventually occur. How successful are these separat...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Barclaycard logo saves world

Barclaycard has unveiled a new logo and visual identity. It is a break from the logos used by the bank during the last four decades, which had been designed to be seen on the traditional plastic card. Says Anthony Jenkins, Barclaycard CEO: "Our new identity expresses where we see the future, freeing the chip on the credit card from the constra...

/payments /retail

Elton Cane

Elton Cane Digital product delivery at News Corp Australia

Banks cutting onshore outsourcing and contractors

As banks now more than ever are looking to cut costs wherever they can, it's not surprising that they're still very keen on offshoring despite the political sensitivity of sending jobs abroad. But the large Indian service companies that provide offshore services, as well as providing people locally in the UK, are finding that banks are cutting back...

/retail /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Crisis-hit banking sector picked over by retailers

Tesco's decision to expand its banking business looks like a smart move, as consumers seek a safe haven for their cash away from the carnage in the traditional banking sector. UK supermarket chain Tesco - which serves 20 million customers a week - says it has seen the number of applications for savings accounts double in recent days. The group rece...

/retail Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Interactive Contactless Payments

Usage of credit cards are mostly seen at department stores, more over card campaings and loyalty programs surround consumers to supersede cash payments and the competition between merchants and credit card companies encourages consumers to use credit cards more. In this situation what will be the advantages of contactless cards. Speed? No, the ave...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Payments are heading out the door of a bank near you.

I think that the biggest threat banks face is lack of trust and ethics. Payments are based on trust. Consumers will be looking hard for alternatives. There will be plenty. Payments is only part of it. Consumer credit is next. There's more...

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Integration skills now key to future banking success

As we can see from this news on JP Morgan's takeover of WaMu, hardly a day has gone by over recent weeks without a new banking takeover being announced. The ability of the acquiring banks to merge, integrate and leverage their new purchases has now become strategic to their future success. Even if they have made their purchase at a heavily discoun...

/regulation /retail Operational Risk Management

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