174 Results from 2010, /retail
Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven
As of May this year, only 4% of US FDIC insured institutions in the United States had any sort of mobile play, a small subset of this group had iPhone apps, and an even smaller percentage had Android apps. We already know that mobile Internet based banking is the fastest growing interaction channel for banks today, so this level of commitment by t...
19 November 2010 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
During the global financial crisis, governments spent billions to bail out banks in an effort to keep liquidity in the banking sector, largely so that lending could continue at a time when businesses needed as much help as they could get. However, in a financial crisis when the economy is in recession, it is counter-intuitive for a bank to lend mo...
18 November 2010 /regulation /retail Finance 2.0
Eric Schmidt and the team at Google yesterday announced that they are going to beat Apple at the NFC game and will launch their new phone the Nexus S, code-named Gingerbread, within just 'weeks'. Check out some of the links: http://www.theage.com.au/digital-life/mobiles/google-to-turn-your-mobile-into-a-tap-and-pay-virtual-wallet-20101116-17v9l.htm...
16 November 2010 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
I've had a quick shot at a mock-up advertisement of how Apple might launch the next iPhone 5 based on an earlier concept mock-up of what people thought the iPhone 4 might look like. I hope you like it! If you want to see a larger version of the picture click here... If you are a retail banker, you should be afraid...very afraid :)
14 November 2010 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Tim Tyler Product Manager at Misys
There is a lot of talk about how banking services can be delivered over the “mobile superhighway” – the mobile internet or mobile web and the use of “apps”. Quite rightly banks (and their suppliers) are innovating, but there is a danger that in doing so they run the risk of disenfranchising a large proportion of their customer base. One of the ar
12 November 2010 /retail
Ainsley Ward Vice President, Payments Solutions at CGI
A press release by FEBELFIN (Belgian financial services association) yesterday (here in Dutch) states that from 17 Jan 2011 Belgian Maestro cards can no longer be used outside of continental Europe. Today I received a letter from my bank confirming the announcement and blaming it on the need to 'protect my transactions from fraud'. Essentially thi...
10 November 2010 /retail
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
Very spot on article in The Economist. Some snippets (emphasis mine) and comments: - “productivity growth is the closest economics gets to a magic elixir, especially for ageing advanced economies” - productivity depends on skills (my favorite: learning by doing – by moving around and up the ladder..), capital invested in tools (mostly IT) and the p...
10 November 2010 /payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services
John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd
Twitter has been referred to as the Marmite of social media. You either love it or you hate it. I must admit that despite being a regular tweeter, I have been having mixed feelings about this channel over the months. Some days I think it is great, when I find out something, or connect to someone that I could not have done through traditional mea
10 November 2010 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Thankfully, I think we are almost at the point of having serious conversations about how social media can be utilized in most organizations, rather than still asking the question "Is Social Media just a fad?". However, there are some massive misconceptions on what social media will do for the organization. As a result, often we aren't ev...
08 November 2010 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Getting to the bank of tomorrow seems daunting. For banks that are entrenched in physical elements such as branch distribution networks, long-held conventions around paper-led compliance procedures, embedded silos and P&L (that are more likely to collapse completely than change) – how can a change to a better bank be navigated? How are you goi...
03 November 2010 /retail /wholesale
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