191 Results from 2012, /retail
Retired Member
Banks are starting to recognise the external forces that compel them to engage with their customers online. They are expressing the desire to embrace the opportunities that social media offers and many display an appreciation that they need to change their business structures to allow better collaboration, internally and externally. But many banks ...
11 January 2012 /regulation /retail Social Banks
Alex Bray AVP, Omni-Channel Acquisition & Servicing at Genpact
Over the last couple of months, I have presented to a lot of senior banking executives on the subject of social media. The parallels between these presentations have been fascinating. At all these presentations, I tend to be the last presenter of the day. I am usually all that’s between 10 tired delegates and their commute home. Nevertheless the fe...
11 January 2012 /retail Online Banking
At a seminar that I attended recently, the discussion turned to, what else, but the new consumer and how she has changed. But the consumer has always been an evolving species, so what’s new? In my view, what differentiates this customer, who belongs to the most connected and socially engaged generation in the history of mankind, is her ability to...
11 January 2012 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Jim Marous Publisher at The Financial Brand
At the turn of the last century, store merchant John Wanamaker stated, "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." Based on just released research from Ifbyphone, those may have been the 'good old days'. The report, 2011 State of Marketing Measurement Report found that, while 82% of CMOs ex...
09 January 2012 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
2011 was year that many bankers, and especially bank marketers would love to forget. Not only was focus diverted by the need to respond to new regulations for the second consecutive year (this time it was the Durbin Amendment), but the image of our entire industry was challenged as foreclosures and bank failures continued to be in the news. We ...
Internet bank websites have fundamentally changed the way we manage our money - and entirely for the better. They have put customers in control - with 24 hour access, wherever and whenever you want. They have enabled banks to cut costs and deliver new and innovative services. So from all customers and bankers - thank you, internet bank websites! Y...
08 January 2012 /retail Online Banking
Is it wrong for your bank to use your social graph - the personal data you generate within your various social media outpourings - to make decisions about you? Much as in the famous song from ‘The King & I’, banks hope that once they’ve got to know you, you’ll get to like them too. But it doesn’t end there. Social graph data can enable banks d...
07 January 2012 /retail Social Banks
The latest figures from the National Customer Satisfaction (NCSI-UK) survey show that large banks are losing customers to smaller banks and building societies because the latter have closer relationship with customers and offer more personalised customer service. This trend was reflected in our recent research that explored and compared the vie...
06 January 2012 /retail
If you remember, I made a few predictions about 2011 about a year ago. Time to check whether they were realised or not ... 1. Prediction: UK cheque usage drops massively. The UK Payments Council says UK cheque usage has dropped massively before the anticipated deadline of 2018 in favour of mobile payments. The previously floated idea of introducin...
Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions
In the past, I’ve given several reasons to explain my preference for printed bills and statements (hyperlink to personal blog post not included). When I received the following SMS recently, I began wondering if there was a more deep-rooted and fundamental reason behind my aversion for e-bills and e-statements. "Your password is a combination...
04 January 2012 /retail
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