146 Results from 2011, /retail
Retired Member
A fine of £7.7 million is not a lot for Barclays given their position as one of the UK's major retail banks - to quote Margaret Cole, the FSA's managing director of enforcement and financial crime. Indeed it is the largest fine ever imposed by the FSA for retail failings. No, it's not about the money for a bank rumoured to be preparing to pay its...
21 January 2011 /retail
Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,
Cash is as we know expensive (50bn cost to merchants according to EU study) and an invitation to robberies, theft, counterfeit, drug dealing, prostitution, gambling, tax evasion - you name it. It also puts considerable strain on the environment. Luckily the trends move towards avoiding using it:
17 January 2011 /payments /retail
Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven
There has been much discussion about the impact of the so-called "information age". Prior to 2003 it has been said that throughout history mankind had generated a sum total of 5 Exabyte’s of content up to that year. Today it is estimated we generate this amount of content measured in days. “Between the birth of the world and 2003, there ...
16 January 2011 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Necessity is the mother of innovation! This tired old cliché was proved right by an Infosys-Asian Banker joint research study of 59 banks from 14 countries in the Asia Pacific region, which revealed that banks innovate mainly to beat severe market and regulatory challenges. However, the similarity ends there. The study highlighted that banks in di...
11 January 2011 /sibos /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Navin Rammohan Principal Manager - Marketing at Infosys Technologies Ltd.
As a father of a 6 year old and someone who has a keen interest in alternate models of education, I’ve been fascinated by some of the talks by Sir Ken Robinson on creativity and education reforms. Some of his observations about the current schooling system have a strong parallel in the way the banking system was and is being governed. Structure &a...
04 January 2011 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
I read with interest a post pointed out to me by @JenRBoyd posted on Mobile Commerce Daily highlighting a recent Celent report comparing US and EU investment in multi-channel. The problem here is that the conclusions of the report are correct, but even the report itself suffers from an old-school view of the banking arena, that is, we are still as...
04 January 2011 /payments /retail Finance 2.0
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