179 Results from 2017, /retail
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Business banking sucks. From accounting to invoicing and the awful customer service, business banking is painful. Our team had loads of pains with business banking. But did other people feel the same way that we did? We sat down with 100 businesses face to face for 45 minutes each to find out. We wanted to figure out what bothers businesses with t...
09 May 2017 /retail /startups Fintech innovation and startups
Why loyalty matters There is one simple reason why you should read this article. | “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.” — Peter Drucker How do you keep a customer? With the help of loyalty. However, loyalty is one of those words that are frivolously thrown around left and right. What does loyalty truly mean, when it comes...
06 May 2017 /retail /startups Fintech innovation and startups
Like companies in many industries, financial institutions are under pressure to chart a new course by reshaping their business models to compete in a world of changing customer expectations. There is a small window of opportunity to respond to this shift within the market and banks are in the throes of making companywide changes to ensure they ar...
05 May 2017 /retail
In a tech world where microservices architecture is enabling unprecedented agility and scalability Gartner is predicting by 2018 most application platform as a service providers will include microservices infrastructure capabilities. With companies like Airbnb, Dropbox and Goldman Sachs seeing development lead times cut by as much as 75 percent whe...
04 May 2017 /retail Online Banking
Customer experience is of paramount importance to companies across all industries. No longer does a bank only have to consider how its customer service measures up to rival banks, it’s also compared to that provided by retailers, telcos and companies in the hospitality space. The implication being, to stay ahead of the pack, financial services fir...
03 May 2017 /retail Innovation in Financial Services
Like an Extranet, Partner API’s are limited to specific parties, often for a very specific purpose like providing a product / service. Technically the API is no different to a public API, but access to the API will be limited typically using a 3rd party API gateway solution. Partner API’s are usually monetised, and this can be achieved in a number...
02 May 2017 /retail
Stacey Small Business Development at The Glue
If you haven’t seen the latest TV commercial from Samsung then you need to. Set to the theme of Elton John’s ‘Rocket Man’ an adventurous and ambitious, flightless ostrich accidentally finds itself with a virtual reality headset which enables him, in what seems to be over a 24 hour period, to achieve the impossible, and fly. Whether you like the ad...
Anne Leslie-Bini CEO at Pikcio RegTech
“I want to create a lender that people don't hate” said Denise Kingsmill, the chair of the board at U.K. challenger bank Monzo. Now there’s a pithy declaration that speaks volumes about the state of the banking industry and the times we live in. But how should we read this: are her comments simply savvy market positioning, tapping into the desider...
01 May 2017 /regulation /retail Disruption in Retail Banking
The Financial Services industry is gearing up for the impending arrival of two new EU regulations – the Payment Services Directive (PSD2), otherwise known as Open Banking, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The deadlines for compliance, 13th January and 25th May 2018 respectively, are likely to be circled on most IT folks’ calendar...
28 April 2017 /regulation /retail
Nanda Kumar CEO at SunTec Business Solutions
Being customer obsessed We are in the age of the customer. A single tweet takes 22 minutes to go from insignificant to global, seen recently with Delta Airlines whose reputation was annihilated on social media and in the press. Who wants to be next in line? To prevent this companies should become customer obsessed. Fred Giron, VP and Research Dire...
26 April 2017 /retail
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