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146 Results from 2011, /retail

Tim Tyler

Tim Tyler Product Manager at Misys

Coupons and Payments - What Do We Have To Lose?

Electronic coupons appear to be all the rage at the moment, with the rush to the front seemingly being led by Groupon. Throwing themselves in to the fight now are Google (with Google Offers) and Facebook (with Facebook Deals) - so there might be an assumption that there is scope for considerable growth in this market. Do banks need to keep a wary

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Tim Tyler

Tim Tyler Product Manager at Misys

Location, Location, Location

So we have heard in the press that iPhones now record location information in a 'hidden' file. Not that Apple are tracking you, just that this information is logged. Lots of people record their location in addition to this automatic tracking - just think Facebook Places, FourSquare, Google Latitude, Gowalla etc - and I think location will become

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Get the journey right, stop focusing on the destination

If you are thinking of a trip you have any number of options to get there. You can travel by car, by bus, by train, by ship or by air. Depending on the distance you might walk, or ride a bike. You can travel in luxury such as a private jet, the first class cabin of an Emirates A380, a stateroom on a cruise liner, or you can go ‘budget'. RyanAir, S...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Next: Algorithmic Banking?

Algorithmic trading has made the headlines, most often negatively. The underlying idea is that computers can make, on a broader scale, better decisions than a trader. On the other hand, criticism is rising to curb a practice that some consider contrary to the benefits of the market. But, on a different scale, algorithmic based decisions could be a...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

The Curse of the Innovator

Recently we've been discussing at many organizations what it takes to get innovation done in large businesses with embedded behavior and practices. One side of the coin is obviously the impact of Disruptive Technology, but the other is purely the issue of Innovation Management or creating an organization that embraces or assists innovation. In a re...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Trading socialized

Social media are here to stay. Period. There is no way you can avoid Twitter and Facebook and Linkedin and Foursquare and more and more. Your friends checked-in in a bar and one of them was crowned a Mayor; your @girlfriend bought lettuce; the @person-you-do-not-even-know twitted about a terrible hangover and Lady Gaga released a new single on Fa

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The spinning compass of mobile banking

At the Asian Banker Summit in Hong Kong last week, the passion that the banking community displayed to be a leader in innovation and customer experience was very apparent. For the East, the fast adoption of mobile technology is already becoming a game-changing trend and the financial services, especially retail banking, sector has a focus on mobil...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Ostrich's Guide to FSA Compliance

We know it’s a problem, we’ve seen it this year – don’t comply, don’t look after your customers properly at your peril. If you’re not going to play the game by the rules, be sure to put something by to cover the fines that will ensue. Since the FSA put its focus on a stronger consumer protection strategy a year ago, paying lip-service to the re


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Banks: Engage or Die!

The UK banking and financial service sector is currently undergoing a period of reinvention (whether it realises it or not). There are several reasons for this: Firstly, the rise of social media has provided customers with a means by which they can voice their needs and also connect with their fellow customers, for example, online communities such...

/payments /retail Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

'Winning' at Social Media in the Finance Space

Ok, so the feedback from Finextra's #finxsm event this week is that we're finally coming to grips with the fact that Social Media isn't going to disappear into the night like some passing fad. Good news! It's interesting though, whenever a major disruptor like social media, the internet, etc has come along, inevitably there are many traditional ma...

/regulation /retail Finance 2.0

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