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Latest /regulation expert opinions

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Basics of digital onboarding: what are the consequences of bad customer onboarding?

A business which asks for too much information or is confusing about their data needs will simply alienate the customer. Customer onboarding has always been important, but in the new digital world, where most things can be found, bought and sold with the touch of a button, customer expectations and demands have increased. So what happens if there i...

/regulation /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Darragh Pelly

Darragh Pelly COO at Reitigh Software

How financial services companies can become change makers

Change is the only constant in the financial services sector. This has long been the case; however, the coronavirus crisis has put it on a level like nothing else we have ever seen before. The implications of the pandemic have been far reaching. Falling credit ratings reduced the world of investment grade bonds, face-to-face selling became imposs...

/regulation /cloud Financial Services Regulation

Retired Member

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Basics of digital onboarding: why you need to know who your customer is

“The human face is, after all, nothing more nor less than a mask.” Dame Agatha Christie, the famous murder-mystery writer, once said. Our face is just a mask in an ocean of masks, and it only shows what we want to show, not who we really are or how we feel. While this quote refers to the process of how we tend to hide our true emotions, it could al...

/regulation /identity Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How to Simplify New Beneficial Ownership Disclosure Rules

The United States has stepped up its anti-money-laundering practices after taking some heat. In the Financial Action Task Force's 2016 mutual evaluation, the group found: Lack of timely access to adequate, accurate and current beneficial ownership (BO) information remained one of the fundamental gaps in the US. [1] As a result, the United States re...

/regulation /crime Financial Services Regulation

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

ID Verification is no longer an obstacle to global growth

The global growth of banks and challenger fintechs based in the western world has long been restricted because of issues related to effective identity (ID) verification. The stumbling block has been large parts of the world’s population, particularly in Africa and Asia, lacking verifiable private addresses and internationally recognised IDs. This ...

/regulation /identity Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Adam Lieberman

Adam Lieberman Chief AI Officer at Finastra

Is synthetic data the key to the next data boom in financial services?

Across industries, data is recognised as an organisation’s most valuable asset. From data comes knowledge and new insights that can be used to improve every function of a business, from new and better products and services for customers, to operational efficiencies. As data strategies mature, firms are turning an increasingly expectant eye toward ...

/regulation /startups Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The journey to automated regulatory change: how far have we come, and how much further to go?

Since the 2008 financial crash, financial services have developed their compliance systems at pace. From tools that analyse trades and behavioural anomalies, to those that track and map changing financial regulation – manual, error-prone systems are fast becoming a thing of the past. CUBE’s Elliot Burgess reflects on the journey of automation so f...

/regulation /people RegTech

Amanda Mickleburgh

Amanda Mickleburgh Director Product - Merchant Fraud at ACI Worldwide

Nearing the Deadline: How are stakeholders preparing for the launch of SCA?

One of the most prominent issues keeping stakeholders in the payments industry busy at the moment is Strong Customer Authentication, or SCA, the new European security standard that intends to protect consumers and businesses from fraud by making it more difficult for a fraudster to make payments from their accounts. After several delays SCA is due...

/payments /regulation The future of Payments in Europe

Vladimir Ershov

Vladimir Ershov Head of Data Science & Machine Learning at Clausematch

Regulation 2.0 : The AI technology revolution is here and now

How do we reimagine the regulatory framework? In an increasingly interconnected world financial services are rapidly blurring boundaries. They need to constantly keep track of changing regulatory obligations in different jurisdictions, fragmented and differing rules written in different languages and using different taxonomy. One specific area of ...

/regulation /markets RegTech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

With fraud on the rise in the insurance industry, KYC comes to the rescue

Fraud and financial crimes perpetrated against insurers are on the rise. Although the banking industry remains the primary route for money laundering, stricter regulations and improved AML controls within that sector have driven criminals to other channels that may be more vulnerable to money laundering activities. Insurance providers, often less ...

/regulation /crime Digital Insurance Trends

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