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Yulia Gavrilova

Yulia Gavrilova

Consultant at Serokell
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Bio Consultant Career History Yulia has 4 years of experience working with technology and AI.



The Impact of Fintech Revolution on Banking

29 Jun 2022

Banks play a crucial role in the financial system, so it’s necessary to timely assess the risks and opportunities that Fintech solutions actually represent for them. The Fintech revolution is often said to have disrupted traditional banking, however, there are also professionals who say that it has only strengthened the portfolio of existing banki...

Banking Regulations

Who Regulates Fintech and Why It Matters

01 Aug 2021

Disruptive technologies in the financial sector are great with both lots of enthusiasm and lots of concern. While blockchain, decentralized payment systems, and lending apps make lives of many people easier, the mechanisms of their proper legalization and regulation are unclear. In this post, we are going to talk about how fintech regulation happe...

Bond Fintech

How Regulators Respond to Fintech: Evaluation of Different Approaches

24 May 2021

Innovative technologies change the landscape of financial services. Thanks to decentralization and digitalization, essential financial services such as lending and money transfers are now accessible for everyone, regardless of their credit history and geographical locations. However, exactly because fintech services are so omnipresent, they also ...