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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Luke Hinchliffe

Luke Hinchliffe Head of Marketing at Arachnys Information Services

7 Ways APIs Are Revolutionizing KYC and AML

Anyone working in a compliance role in financial services will appreciate the critical part that software plays in effective onboarding, due diligence and anti-money laundering investigations. As banks strive towards decreasing customer onboarding times, achieving perpetual KYC and enabling more efficient AML checks, they are realizing the potenti...

/regulation /crime Financial Transformation

Josh Rix

Josh Rix Director at Woodhurst Consulting

AI - Can we unpack the black box?

Some machine learning tools are incredibly complex. So complex that they are considered to be “black box” systems. On the one hand, they are determining more and more accurate outputs to increasingly difficult problems. But on the other, the inner workings of these solutions can’t easily be understood by a human, and the rationale for the decision...

/regulation /startups Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Payson Johnton

Payson Johnton CEO and Co-Founder at Crowdz

Smarter risk assessment is key to drive equitable financing for SMBs

As businesses across the nation continue to swim against COVID-19’s economic tsunami, we’re beginning to see a new trend emerge from companies who have fared well (or thrived): social impact financing. This new wave of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a simple way to drive tangible support outcomes for struggling businesses, rather than re...

/regulation /inclusion Inclusive FinTech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

In a climate of uncertainty, resilience is paramount

Operational resilience, the ability to protect critical operations and core business lines from any hazard, needs to be right at the top of the agenda across the financial services ecosystem. Its importance has been significantly reinforced by the year we have just had. The pandemic brought about massive disruption across the industry, affecting h...

/regulation /covid-19 Fintech

Adam Holden

Adam Holden Chief Executive Officer at NorthRow

7 Biggest Challenges of KYC Monitoring

Many firms have taken the trouble to digitally transform their onboarding, but are wasting eye-watering sums of money and man-hours on inefficient processes when it comes to ongoing monitoring. And yet KYC monitoring is vital to ensure compliance with Money Laundering directives so where does it all go wrong and what can firms do to implement chan...

/regulation /crime RegTech

Ido Nir

Ido Nir Head of Financial Crime Solutions, APAC at Oracle Financial Services

PEP Reset: Take a risk-based approach to Politically Exposed Persons

How risky are Politically Exposed Persons for your financial institution? Financial institutions are required to consider and appropriately manage Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and their close associates as higher risk customers. They are required to impose strict measures when establishing new business relationships with PEPs and to ensure c...

/regulation /crime Sustainable compliance

Matt Beattie

Matt Beattie Managing Director at Beyond

Implementing a remediation programme: Critical success factors

As financial institutions move to integrate, automate and streamline their systems (all in the face of a toughening regulatory environment), process flows and the underlying data points are coming under increasing scrutiny. As such, customer and operational remediations continue to be a common occurrence. Despite this many remediation efforts have...

/regulation /wholesale Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Enabling and being compliant with AI in Banking

In my last blog, I shared some thoughts on how different forms of AI could not only help improve the customer experience, but also ensure that the bank remains in compliance with various industry regulations. As promised, the focus of this blog will be on how AI can both help ensure/monitor regulatory compliance, as well as some of the regulatory...

/regulation /cloud Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Garima Chaudhary

Garima Chaudhary Head of Fin. Crime Solution Consulting at Oracle

How Graph Analytics Revolutionizes the War Against Human Trafficking

The United Nations Office of Drug Crime estimates that $800 billion to $2 trillion, or 2-5% of global GDP, is laundered globally every year. What is driving this massive amount of money laundering? After drug trafficking, human trafficking is the second top motive for money laundering. Forced labor generates over $150 billion per year by robbing ...

/regulation /crime Innovation in Financial Services

Eric Solis

Eric Solis CEO and Founder at MovoCash

2021 Predictions: Cashless Society, Autopay Systems Fueled by AI, and New Digital Banking Standards

Across industries, disruptive technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and blockchain are driving a cashless payment ecosystem forward to offer faster and more secure financial transactions. With FinTech at the forefront of this recent innovation, here are my five predictions on the horizon for the banking industry and...

/regulation /predictions Digital Banking Trends

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