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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Simon Gilbert

Simon Gilbert Founder at Elmore

Managing risk: The challenge for challenger banks

Think of an athlete attempting to beat a ‘personal best’, or someone scaling a mountain. Both are individual challenges. In the business world, we’re now used to hearing about another type of challenge, or more accurately, ‘challengers’. Namely, disruptive start-ups who are turning traditional business models on their heads and taking on industry ...

/regulation /crime FintechInsuranceMatters

Anna Monteiro

Anna Monteiro Global Head of Business and Product Development at

Slow Third Quarter for Foreign Direct Investment Changes

As expected, it’s been a slow third quarter for changes to foreign direct investment (FDI). Following on from my last update, we’ll start in the AsiaPac region and move westward. Australia has been evaluating the reforms to foreign direct investment that commenced in beginning of the year. The Treasury is evaluating whether these reforms have stru...

/regulation /markets Financial Services Regulation

Robert Prigge

Robert Prigge CEO at Jumio

The top 5 tips for staying AML compliant

In recent years, anti-money laundering (AML) has become an increasingly sophisticated criminal activity. It’s estimated that between 2% and 5% of global GDP is laundered each year, and identity theft has now become one of the top money laundering trends. It’s therefore not surprising that AML rules have been required to keep up. In a race to stop ...

/regulation /identity

Kartik Swaminathan

Kartik Swaminathan Author - 3F: Future Fintech Framework & Founder at Fintastech (Fintech Consulting & Coaching)

Portability in Fintech

Portability is a key capability for fintech’s in future, as it enables the customer to switch over / transfer his account, from one Financial provider to another. This can be for various reasons, like he is unhappy with existing provider, or wants to switch, because he is getting better pricing, features etc. Portability also enables business cont...

/regulation /identity Standards Forum

Retired Member

Retired Member 

How Smaller Banks Can Turn Three Industry Trends into Anti-Money Laundering Opportunities

Midsized financial institutions must pay close attention to anti-money laundering Midsized financial institutions (with $1 billion - $10 billion in assets) play an essential role in our financial system, especially in the U.S. where banks with less than $10 billion in assets represent 14% of the market and 97% of the total number of banks. Unfortu...

/regulation /crime Trends in Financial Services

Mark Alcaide

Mark Alcaide Senior Managing Director, Consulting at Foreside

The Tech Conundrum: At What Point Does Automation Become ‘Too Much’ of a Good Thing?

Amid broader digital transformation trends, many service providers have re-imagined their value proposition to take advantage of new technologies. The compliance consulting space is no different. The prevailing question, however, is at what point does the focus on technology begin to crowd out the human elements in the value chain and, more import...


John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

Scamdemic – vulnerable, with little protection and few arrests

UKFinance1 announces a saving of £32million in fraud in the first half of 2021 with bank branches, building societies and Post Offices working with the police through the Banking Protocol rapid response scam process. Noting the scheme had led to 934 arrests since 2016, an average of 190 per year. This is good, traditional police work coordinated ...

/payments /regulation Online Banking

Dexter Penn

Dexter Penn CEO at Kalgera

Understanding Financial Mental Capacity

Mental capacity is the ability to receive and process information to make and communicate decisions on specific questions. We make decisions all day every day, from deciding what to eat and what to wear to more complex decisions like our finances - whether to spend or save, or whether to take out a certain financial product. Throughout our lives, ...

/regulation /inclusion Financial Inclusion

Alastair Goodwin

Alastair Goodwin CEO at Adoptech Limited

Company policies are essential, even for start-ups

Right now all your energy is consumed on building your service, MVP’s, winning pilots, initial sales and building towards your next investment round. The last thing you need is to spend time writing company policies, right? Wrong. Prospective clients and investors don’t care that you are a startup or that you are all working flat out and wearing va...

/regulation /startups Data Management and Governance

Andrew Beatty

Andrew Beatty Head of Wealth, Retirement & International at FIS

Getting to Grips with Collections

Why Automation is Crucial Collections, like virtually all areas of financial services, is an increasingly digital business, with universal digital drivers forcing the pace of both change and opportunity. As Cisco’s outgoing CEO John Chambers boldly predicted in 2015, “At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years… if they don’t figu...

/regulation /retail Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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