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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Dhiraj Sharma

Dhiraj Sharma Senior Consultant at TCS

Industry Cloud for financial Services – Fad or Future?

Promises of lower costs, increased scalability, capability to build innovative future digital offerings at rapid pace, enable better customer experiences across the channels and keep up the pace with ever growing customers demands are some of the key driving factors luring a growing number of financial services firms into the digital transformatio...

/regulation /cloud Cloud Banking out of the Box

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Know Your Customer, but Make It Seamless: Improve Compliance and Onboarding Through Seamless KYC

Introduction If the customer lifecycle is a performance, the onboarding process is the opener. If the opener doesn’t catch your attention, you don’t want to stay for the show. For many financial institutions, however, onboarding is not a showstopper. It’s fragmented, with too many customer touchpoints. According to a recent study, the result is fr...

/regulation /crime Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Information Sharing to Counter Cybercrime

How the financial sector is learning lessons from forests to counter cybercrime. When a tree in a forest comes under attack – such as from an animal eating its leaves – it releases hormones and pheromones alerting others to the danger. These can trigger changes in the composition of sap in surrounding trees to make it less appealing to the predato...

/security /regulation

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

How could the BNPL regulatory update impact risk assessments?

The UK Treasury recently published a consultation on how it will regulate BNPL, potentially making the UK the first major credit market to regulate these booming, innovative products. The FCA said the sector quadrupled to £2.7bn last year during the pandemic - to about 1% of the UK’s entire credit market - with more than 5 million active users. Th...

/regulation /retail BNPL

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

APP (Authorised Push Payment) fraud mitigation planned by banking and payment authorities

APP fraud is rocketing, up 70 per cent in six months, and likely to be a multi billion business shortly. No one is surprise to learn that the Bank of England, Pay.UK and UK Finance (The Collaboration) have joined forces in defining a new data model to mitigate Authorised Push Payment Fraud and reduce friction in the payment process, e.g. misdirec...

/payments /regulation Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis

Barley Laing

Barley Laing UK Managing Director at Melissa

The Pandora Papers underline the importance of PEP checks

The recent release of the Pandora Papers has shone a light on the sometimes unethical or corrupt practises of the politically connected and the super-rich. For those in financial services the Papers highlight the importance of having access to politically exposed persons (PEPs) data as part of their anti-money laundering (AML) checks. In the UK, ba...

/regulation /identity Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

The Top 5 Transaction Monitoring Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Transaction monitoring is a fundamental part of detecting and preventing your business from being used to facilitate financial crime and terrorism financing. Regulators are increasing their scrutiny on Anti-Money Laundering (AML) control frameworks and the fines issued for failings are increasing year on year. Transaction monitoring is a fundament...

/regulation /crime Exposing Financial Crime

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

ISO 20022 is coming – How banks can prepare for the new payments messaging standard

ISO 20022 is coming. The new global messaging standard for payments systems is generally agreed to be a good thing for the banking industry – the Bank of England’s consultation on the plans showed respondents were “largely supportive”. Indeed, as the UK’s central bank notes, ISO 20022 is designed to create a globally consistent financial messagin...

/payments /regulation The Payments Business

Kevin Eley

Kevin Eley VP of Sales, UK and Europe at LogRhythm

Balancing Cyber Security Budgets: Efficiently Combating Threats Without Compromising on Performance

Revenue and profit growth is a welcome outcome for CEO’s — it’s an indicator that business is healthy. But growth can pose a challenge for CISOs for two reasons. Firstly, growth invariably increases the risk exposure of the organisation (as growth is often correlated with acquisitions, increased headcount or geo expansion). Secondly, larger busi

/security /regulation Fintech

Nish Kotecha

Nish Kotecha Co-Founder & Chairman at Finboot

How to Implement Safer Sourcing and Why It’s Important

You don’t need me to tell you of the laser focus on sustainability in Boardrooms across the world, not least at COP26 currently happening in Glasgow where the good and the great are meeting to agree action to mitigate climate change. Under ever intensifying pressure from interest groups, investors and customers, companies and brands have been furio...

/regulation /sustainable Blockchain Observations

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