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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Mete Feridun

Mete Feridun Chair at EMU Centre for Financial Regulation and Risk

EU Sustainable Finance Framework: What does it mean for banks?

The European Commission's (EC) Action Plan on sustainable finance is a major policy objective by the European Union (EU) to promote sustainable investment. As per the plan, banks are expected to finance sustainable economic activities to trasition to a carbon neutral economy. The plan was introduced in March 2018 in response to the Paris Agreemen...

/regulation /sustainable Banking Regulations

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Women in Compliance: How to tackle crypto regulations, with Shelley Schachter-Cahm

Last week, I've posted here about our conversation with Stephanie Feldt, Chief Compliance Officer & General Counsel at Today, I’ll share insights provided by Shelley Schachter-Cahm, Chief Compliance Officer at She has a vast experience in Financial Services compliance, ranging from banking to payments, and now crypto. Th...

/regulation /crypto Cryptocurrency Insights

Nir Laznik

Nir Laznik Co-Founder & CEO at

Playing by the Rules: Fintechs Use AI for Marketing Compliance

Anyone who follows professional sports could spot one of the most dominant players in the league - stock trading and investing apps. Seeing the biggest sports stages in the world flooded by fintech ads is another indicator of the billions of advertising dollars being spent by companies in the space. As the market for innovative personal finance ap...

/regulation /startups Marketing in Financial Services

Den Burykin

Den Burykin Managing Director at Fastlane Solutions

Much risk, little urgency for Australia's payments infrastructure

The Australian banking industry is displaying a worrying lack of urgency when it comes to plugging the strategic holes in our payments infrastructure after the floods in NSW and Queensland. Global threats to our payments system are numerous and growing. The consequences are too great to delay fixing these problems in the hope that it won’t happen t...

/payments /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Adam Lieberman

Adam Lieberman Chief AI Officer at Finastra

Fairness and freedom: The value of machine unlearning in financial services

Today, businesses rely on predictive models for a multitude of reasons. At the very least, they enable novel insights that can streamline internal processes; at the most, they are essential drivers of growth and critical to business operations. Therefore, it is no surprise that data scientists spend a lot of time building these models. To keep mod...

/regulation /predictions Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Women in Compliance: How to maintain adequate supervision in a remote world, with Stephanie Feldt

Recently, I had the pleasure to tap into insights from six amazing Women in Compliance. Today, I will share the insights provided by Stephanie Feldt, Chief Compliance Officer & General Counsel at Stephanie has over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, having worked for both large and small financial instituti...

/regulation /people RegTech

Harriet Christie

Harriet Christie Chief Operating Officer at Mirrorweb

Shifting Goalposts: The Many Challenges of a Chief Compliance Officer

A new framework was recently put forward by the National Society of Compliance Professionals (NSCP), as it seeks to better define its members' personal liability in a firm’s regulatory mishaps. It appears that compliance officers are feeling vulnerable as regulations intensify around them. And who can blame them, considering the additional pressur...

/regulation /people Financial Services Regulation

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

Credit Data Negotiations: How Fintech’s get the best prices mid-contract and at renewal

Recent changes to consumer borrowing behaviour, risk adversity and economic uncertainty have caused a major shift in the credit risk industry. And quite frankly, a much needed change! Credit Bureau contracts have simply become outdated and calls for change mean that data contracts must change to allow the procurement and credit risk teams within f...

/regulation /retail Financial Supply Chain

Boris Bialek

Boris Bialek Field CTO, Industry Solutions at MongoDB

Multi-cloud: balancing the cloud concentration regulation risk with the innovation reward

Regardless of size and business mix, most financial institutions have come to understand how cloud and multi-cloud computing services can benefit them. There are cost benefits when it comes to scale, deploying new services and innovating. There are security and resiliency benefits that can be difficult and expensive to replicate on-premises, espec...

/regulation /cloud Cloud Banking out of the Box

Rajashekara Maiya

Rajashekara Maiya VP at Infosys

UK Banks Must Expedite Plans to Address ESG Goals or Face Increasing Investor Activism

Economic, social, and environmental factors increasingly govern the manner in which we live and work. In 2017, the World Bank had reported that almost 31 percent of the adult population worldwide were unbanked – these 1.7 billion adults did not have an account at a financial institution or through a mobile money provider. Three years later, the CO...

/regulation /sustainable Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

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