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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Steve Morgan

Steve Morgan Banking Industry Market Lead at Pegasystems

Automation and the future of banking operations

Resilience and adaptability are key to delivery of excellent service levels in operations, as these features can make or break the delivery of new products and services. When it comes to building resilience, modern agile software that harnesses automation is key, as it gives banks real-time visibility into important processes and allows them to be...

/regulation /devops Digital Bank Transformation

Paul Marcantonio

Paul Marcantonio Head of UK/Western Europe at Ecommpay

Buy Now, Pay Later is now regulated in the UK. What does the future hold for the payment method?

Buy Now, Pay Later is a rapidly growing trend in a number of market sectors, including retail, entertainment and travel. During the COVID-19 pandemic, use of the payment scheme increased fourfold in the UK, to the tune of £2.7 billion in transactions. In this article, I'll give a brief overview of how BNPL works and the industries where it’s most...

/regulation BNPL

Hugo Chamberlain

Hugo Chamberlain COO at smartKYC

Automated Enhanced Due Diligence Using AI

When to use Enhanced Due Diligence Know Your Customer (KYC) screening can take many forms as a process and certainly as a technology solution in the ever expanding industry. At a minimum, companies have a requirement to check and verify an individual's identity by using document verification and/or biometric tools, which may suffice in terms of a ...

/regulation /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Ben O'Brien

Ben O'Brien Managing Director at Jaywing

The PRA’s new ‘Simpler regime’ – Is your firm in or out of scope?

The Prudential Regulation Authority have taken another step towards implementing their vision of managing prudential risk for smaller financial institutions through the publication of CP 5/22, “The Strong and Simple Framework: a definition of a Simpler-regime Firm”. As the name suggests, this latest publication outlines the proposals for the defin...

/regulation Banking Regulations

Ivan Aleksandrov

Ivan Aleksandrov CSO | Core banking, BaaS, Fintech Advisory at Advapay

Application for a Payment or E-Money Institution licence: the main parameters regulators consider

Before applying for a Payment Institution (PI) or Electronic Money Instituion (EMI) licence, you should earnestly assess your chances by taking a look at your company through the eyes of the regulator. If you think you might not yet be ready to apply, take care to fix the flaws, instead of waiting for the regulator to point them out to you. In ad...

/regulation /startups Fintech

Nickii Mallia

Nickii Mallia Business Development Manager at Aqubix Ltd - KYC Portal

Importance of having a trustworthy KYC system - In-house vs Third Party Providers

You never get a second chance to make a great first impression and since onboarding a new client is your first main contact between your company and your new client, the experience should not be confusing or frustrating. The onboarding experience is often viewed as the foundation for what dealing with your company will be like, so having a trustwo...

/regulation /retail RegTech

Nick Green

Nick Green Director at Purple Patch Broking Ltd

How collaborative procurement creates cost savings for credit providers

Credit and procurement teams are now facing a huge number of pressures when it comes to delivering the best customer service while cutting costs internally at the same time. The rising costs of utilities and fuel combined with low interest rates and unsustainable cost-income ratios means that organisations need to look to cut costs without comprom...

/regulation /retail Financial Supply Chain

Frank Cummings

Frank Cummings CEO at AML Partners LLC

ESG--The People's Regulator?

Environmental and Social Governance may force different decision-making in ethical gray areas of revenue streams Unlike Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), Environmental and Social Governance (ESG) prioritizes informing the public on how corporations handle their environmental and social obligations. Regulatory reporting remains a feature o

/regulation RegTech

Katie Hunter

Katie Hunter Senior Marketing Manager at Aveni

How the FCA's Consumer Duty of Care has made Speech Analytics Essential

Speech analytics has been commonly used for a number of years, evolving from a novelty add-on to a powerful solution for businesses to improve their processes. With the Financial Conduct Authority’s Consumer Duty of Care proposal, speech analytics has gone from being a nice-to-have to a necessity that firms must adopt to meet requirements or risk ...

/regulation /startups RegTech

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A rapid response to ESG pressures

Financial institutions are well aware of the importance of transparency around risk. They need to be ready at any moment to respond speedily to regulatory requests, able to demonstrate at the press of a button their operational resilience from a capital adequacy point of view. It is becoming increasingly desirable that they should be able to repli...

/regulation Fintech

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