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4163 Results from /regulation

Adam Lieberman

Adam Lieberman Chief AI Officer at Finastra

Why PySyft is the open-source hero technology the world needs

Data is the most valuable resource we have today when it comes to solving our greatest challenges. With the right data, and enough of it, there is no limit to the compelling use cases we can create. Imagine a world where we could stop financial crimes like money laundering, help reduce the number of deaths due to breast cancer, and more accurately...

/regulation /cloud Data sharing

Bob Lyddon

Bob Lyddon Consultant at Lyddon Consulting Services

Card-acquiring market remedies for the UK: as usual, the PSR rolls over

On 6th October 2022 the PSR published its Final Decisions under reference PS22/2 on its ‘work’ on Card-acquiring market remedies, a major and multi-year programme on the costs for UK merchants of accepting payments by card, which primarily means cards branded to Visa and Mastercard. The PSR’s ‘remedies’ fall below the lowest expectations of what c...

/payments /regulation

Luke Firmin

Luke Firmin 

Sanctions and how they affect firms – the current state of play

Sanctions are a massively complex area. But all too often, financial institutions think sanctions adherence is fairly straightforward – it’s just checking a list to ensure an individual or company doesn’t appear on it, right? Wrong. Sanctions are far more multi-dimensional and nuanced than that. The UK implements a range of sanctions regimes throug...

/regulation /crime Banking Regulations

Steve Pomfret

Steve Pomfret CEO at Cygnetise

Evolution of digital document execution in financial services

Financial services companies are at the forefront of recognising the benefits of digital document execution. Ensuring regulatory compliance and optimising efficiency means they require far more than just e-signature platforms though The Covid-19 pandemic put rocket fuel on the shift to electronic document execution. Since then, recognition of the b...

/regulation Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

David Benigson

David Benigson CEO and Founder at Signal AI

AI and Financial Compliance: What is Possible When the Two Meet

The financial compliance world always seems to be perpetually speeding up. But with the last three years precipitating a digital transformation push like the world has never seen, the perpetually influx compliance industry has become even more hectic than usual. Financial businesses today simply do not function the way that they used to. And while...

/regulation Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Consumer Duty: the golden opportunity to make UK financial services work for immigrants?

A quiet revolution has been taking place at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It’s called Consumer Duty. In a campaign to become (in its own words) more ‘assertive and data-led’, the UK regulator has launched Consumer Duty - a set of rules and principles that 60,000 UK financial services companies will be required to follow to ‘fundamentally ...

/regulation /inclusion Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Rajeev Verma

Rajeev Verma Consultant at Tata Consultancy Services Ltd

Climate Risk in Banking Sector and Challenges

Introduction: Climate risk is now categorized as one of the important elements in the strategic discussion among the Chief Risk Officers (CROs) in the banking industry. Financial regulators across major markets are taking steps to ensure banks manage the credit risk associated with adverse climate changes. Banks buckets the climate risk into ...

/regulation /retail Climate Risk

Mykyta Grechyna

Mykyta Grechyna 

The United States Crypto Regulation Framework

On 16 September 2022, the White House has published draft of the regulation framework for the cryptocurrency industry. It was a result of President Biden's executive order directing the US governmental agencies to coordinate their efforts in regulating cryptocurrency sector. The key goals behind the regulation included adoption of consumer protect...

/regulation /crypto Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Steve Dourdil

Steve Dourdil Business Development at Kerv Collaborate

5 Ways to Record Mobile Voice & SMS for Regulatory Compliance

If you work in financial services, chances are your organisation has some form of mobile recording solution in place. Although certain firms don’t necessarily have a regulatory requirement to record mobile communications, many choose to anyway as a matter of best practice. For a large percentage of firms though, recording of mobile calls and texts...

/regulation /wealth Financial Risk Management

Amit Gupta

Amit Gupta Director at Matrix-IFS

Balance Open Banking Enthusiasm with Caution

Digitalization and Open Banking are two most prominent trends in banking industry in recent time. While the former was initiated by changing customer behavior, the latter was driven by regulatory and market forces. Open Banking is a new kid on the block with a lot of promise and fanfare, but it can present new challenges for financial services. Rat...

/regulation /crime Open Banking

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