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Latest /regulation expert opinions

Sheridon Glenn

Sheridon Glenn Global VP, Strategic Markets & Initiatives at Guidewire

Insurers should differentiate through value and not price

The ripples from Amazon’s announcement that it was entering the UK insurance market with its own aggregator are still gently washing over the industry. I say ripples, because it was not quite the shockwave that some in the industry have been holding their breath for ever since Big Tech first turned its attention to the market. As to how this invol...

/regulation Digital Insurance Trends

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

Will Payment Service Providers (PSP) prosper going forward?

As domestic payment fees 'go towards zero', how will PSP make any monies from the payments business, especially if the PSP is a non-bank1 and is OpenBanking an opportunity or challenge to PSPs? Taking a look at the PSP market size in the UK in 2022 was £11billion ($13Billon), 20,000 employees and 2,000 PSP(a) companies. The leaders: Worldpay, PayPa...

/payments /regulation Mobile Financial Services (MFS)

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bribery and corruption: is your organisation ready to prevent it?

While KYC and AML have been front of mind when it comes to compliance and the fight against fraud, anti-bribery and corruption compliance hasn’t been in the spotlight as much lately. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be paying close attention to it. Why is it important? Preventing bribery and corruption is a high priority for governments acr...

/regulation /crime Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Harriet Christie

Harriet Christie Chief Operating Officer at Mirrorweb

Financial Services’ Inconvenient Need for WhatsApp Archiving

In September 2022, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CTFC) reached settlements totalling around $1.8 billion with 12 of Wall Street’s leading investment banks. The prominent institutions, which included Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, were penalized for failing to monit...

/regulation /crime RegTech

John Bertrand

John Bertrand MD at Tec 8 Limited

Understanding why we have non-bank payment providers

Historically banks provided both banking and payment services. In the early days banks held the money in a vault and pay out the money at the branch or use the telegraph network to “wire money” to the client’s payee. Since 2015, eight years ago, the UK has seen half its bank branches (7,000) closed. COVID accelerated the use of online banking and ...

/payments /regulation Fintech

Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

Reposting Open Letter to the EU-Commission - as not sure that the organisation ID is understood

In these dark days of brutal military aggression, it is important to find time to also look forward and discover new ways to make Europe more competitive and secure. The next phase of digitalization – the trusted data infrastructure based on Self-Sovereign Identity and MyData principles - is now an opportunity on an unprecedented scale. The impa...

/regulation /identity Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Uri Rivner

Uri Rivner CEO and Co-Founder at Refine Intelligence

The Crazy Year of Scams

It was seven years ago in the weekly update with the Data Science team. As Chief Cyber Officer and co-founder of behavioral biometrics company BioCatch, which specializes in online fraud detection, this was my favorite internal meeting: there were always some new tricks the fraudsters did which the team picked up on, and it was pure fun to learn

/regulation /crime Digital Banking Trends

Mykyta Grechyna

Mykyta Grechyna 

Latin America's Moves to Regulate Cryptocurrency Industry

According to the 2022 cryptocurrency market research conducted by Chainanalysis, Latin America is the second largest region of the world after the Middle East & North Africa for year-over-year cryptocurrency transactions volume growth rate, with Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, and Honduras being most active countries in terms of transacti...

/regulation /crypto Bitcoin payments

Omkar Nisal

Omkar Nisal Managing Director UK & Ireland at Wipro Ltd

Five key considerations on the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)

On September 24, 2020, the European Commission published the first drafted proposal for a Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) as part of the Digital Finance Package (DFP). The aim is to guide financial institutions through the complexities of crypto assets, blockchain technology, and digital operational resilience, as well as advising on a

/security /regulation Banking Regulations

Stan Cowan

Stan Cowan 

Adapt to Shifting Fraud Trends with an Omnichannel Data Strategy

As more and more banks implement an omnichannel experience to serve their customers, it’s clear that fraud management needs to follow suit. Consider the limited scope of branches as digital transactions and applications become normalized. Or even digital and embedded lending services or multi-platform customer service options. All of these channel...

/regulation /crime Transaction Fraud Systems and Analysis

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