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Latest /regulation expert opinions

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

Integration skills now key to future banking success

As we can see from this news on JP Morgan's takeover of WaMu, hardly a day has gone by over recent weeks without a new banking takeover being announced. The ability of the acquiring banks to merge, integrate and leverage their new purchases has now become strategic to their future success. Even if they have made their purchase at a heavily discoun...

/regulation /retail Operational Risk Management

Richard Barr

Richard Barr Principal Associate at Citadel Advantage Ltd.

Who is to blame for the current financial markets crisis

Who’s to blame for the current financial markets crisis? The simple answer is everybody! That out of the way, onto my rant.. When Mortgage Brokers and Bankers are pushing home loans like too much candy at the county fair, what can we expect but an upset stomach the next day? Worse, we see the sickness but continue in order to feed the gods of profi...

/regulation Operational Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Forays into fintech SOA

Fiserv CBS Worldwide, Tibco Software, IONA Technologies, edge IPK, GT Software what do all these companies have in common? They are just a tiny example of the software companies listed on finextra recently for making big forays into the world of fintech SOA. The reason for this insatiable trend? The age of proprietary, bespoke and closely guarded ...

/regulation /wholesale

Roy McPherson

Roy McPherson 

Sibos - Liquidity Management

If like me you attended the Sibos Vienna Conference your liver will by now be just about moving along the path to recovery, and in the meantime I have the opportunity to reflect on a very hectic week. I went to the conference with an open mind, ready for discussion, full of anticipation, but with market events over the weekend when Sibos opened i...

/payments /regulation Operational Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

US Fed playing Monopoly with taxpayers money

A few years ago I was invited to a fancy dress party where invitees were asked to come as their “favourite childhood memory”. It may sound strange, but I went as a giant Monopoly board. I have many happy memories of playing Monopoly with my younger brother. Sometimes I would win, sometimes I would lose, but it usually ended in one of us realising ...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Has Google made a serious miss-step over privacy?

If you haven't seen the original chrome user agreement and didn't know the background political maneuvers on internet privacy you might not be aware of the relevance that it has to the tech giants. Goo(gle) and Y(ah)oo are meshing their advertising machines and Goo is gearing up to provide advertisers with more data than they could have dreamed of...

/security /regulation Whatever...

Stanley Epstein

Stanley Epstein Associate at Citadel Advantage Group

Is this a disaster in the making?

If the Misys data are correct we are sitting atop a volcano that is just about to blow! Firstly forty one percent of failed cross-border transactions is appalling! This means that almost every second cross-border transaction is not passing muster. This also raises two very clear and critical issues - transparency and operational risk. On the trans...

/payments /regulation Operational Risk Management

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Codeless Quant Strategies

In a hedge fund, a prop trading desk or any high geek power trading environment, there is a chaos that is by now familiar. It is hard to imagine a world in which PhDs in physics, mathematics and statistics are not translating mathematical strategies into scripts and code libraries; where IT developers are not integrating them with the rest of the ...

/regulation Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Post holiday reading - Digital DNA and Metadata Cleaning

Enthusiasm for the post holiday reading pile is normally considerably less than the gleeful anticipation of packing those paperbacks for reading in sunnier climes, as I am sure you will agree..... A pleasant and rewarding surprise, then (at least in my world!) to return to a 'straight to the point' article on Digital DNA and the dangers of accide...

/security /regulation Information Security

Sriram Natarajan

Sriram Natarajan Risk Dog at Credit Risk Fraud Cards Professional

The lopsided costs of Terror

We all know how much of money and effort it takes to manage Operational Risk for a financial institution. The thousands of 'person-hours' of Risk, Compliance, IT, Operations, ete have to put in BCP, DR and the works to protect your business. On top of all the sweat and blood, you have the regulators breathing down your necks to check your state o...

/security /regulation

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