331 Results from 2016, /regulation
Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new banking charter protecting personal data and will have a legal impact all entities trading with European citizens from May 2018. Banking Advanced Authentication – support strong and risk authentication needs with technology implementation from the leading vendor, Banking API Management and ...
08 November 2016 /security /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
Anne Plested Regulation at ION Markets
Intended to promote practical convergence and common supervisory approaches and practices, like EMIR and MAR before them, the MiFID II Q&A is fast becoming a favourite on my browser. In its recent Q&A on transparency topics, for example, ESMA has clarified for those firms wondering if, when and how to become a systematic internaliser (SI) ...
08 November 2016 /regulation
Retired Member
It is not yet clear exactly how the decision to leave the EU will affect London’s financial services industry, but what we do know is there will be a significant impact. Uncertainty over remaining in the single market abounds, and is putting pressure on fintech businesses of all sizes – from early stage startups to the City’s biggest players. One ...
Reghunathan Sukumara Pillai Consultant at Infosys
In the initial stages of banking, clear guidelines, acts and frameworks were required for customers to transact with the banking system. Regulations were required to frame rules to prevent money laundering, institute measures to avoid fraudulent transactions, protect and control the country’s foreign exchange, protect customer interest .Regulation...
Criminal activity, including fraud, is ancient. But there is a type of merchant-based, online fraud relatively new to the payments industry. Known as Transaction Laundering (TL), this form of fraud is spreading quickly, often undetected by Merchant Service Providers (MSPs), including payment processors and acquiring banks. MasterCard defines TL ...
07 November 2016 /payments /regulation
Chris Day Partner at Perdl
The road to semantic discovery within the G-SIB's and prospective D-SIB's seems to be yielding little in the way of reward. More often than not, only a handful of business terms have been found and their definitions agreed upon. I find this all too perplexing and the excuses I hear are just frankly excuses. To speed things up, we have to look outwa...
03 November 2016 /regulation
The CFTC announced on October 31st, 2016 that they issued Orders of Registration to the following Foreign Boards of Trade (FBOT): Eurex CME Europe Limited ICE Futures Europe The London Metal Exchange London Stock Exchange We congratulate these exchanges on their newly acquired Orders of Registration. These Orders of Registration will allow...
01 November 2016 /regulation Financial Services Regulation
Nanda Kumar CEO at SunTec Business Solutions
The United States presidential race is in its home stretch. Trump is confident of victory but his policies for the financial services industry are questionable. In his manifesto he states he wants to rid the US of the Dodd-Frank law, which he feels is impeaching on the amount of capital financial institutions can hold. His opponent, and a former F...
31 October 2016 /regulation /retail
So last year my beloved Audi blew up. Its demise didn’t happen overnight, of course. It was slow, painful and costly with thousands of pounds spent on repairs. Shortly afterwards I went straight to an Audi dealership to upgrade my old model to a Q5, only to be reminded by my wife that we’d already had two Audis, both beset by similar problems. I...
31 October 2016 /regulation
Tejasvi Addagada Enterprise Data Head at Fortune 500 financial service provider
I was just having a casual conversation with one of my friends over the BCBS implementation in his Bank. We were in fact discussing on where Data Governance and Management in the industry is today. What interested me as a part of our conversation is a question “How has a bank to stop itself from failing to meet its BCBS policy timeline”. I can st...
29 October 2016 /regulation
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