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4168 Results from /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Poor Money Mule Not So Poor

“Money mules” may be unsuspecting Americans who act as shipping managers, do the dirty work for the bad guy, and open bank accounts, too. Sometimes the mule may be foreign, traveling to the United States specifically to open bank accounts. Mules often get hooked into a “small business” or employment that is a function of a criminal enterprise. The ...

/security /regulation

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

UK Financial Institution loses 675K in 30 days

M86 Security ( have published a (13-page) white paper on a recent online banking attack which resulted in £675,000 being stolen from approx 3,000 customer accounts at an (unnamed) UK Financial Institution in the 30 day period from 5th July. Multiple techniques were used to spread malicious code, including infecting legitimate w...

/security /regulation Whatever...

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

University loses nearly 1 million dollars to malware

Thieves appear to have stolen the funds from University of Virginia after compromising a computer belonging to the University's Financial Controller. Malware intercepted the Online Banking Credentials for the University's Bank accounts and initiated a fraudulent wire transfer for $996,000 to a Bank in China. Whereas, because of a £10,000 per day ...

/security /regulation Whatever...

Lachlan Gunn

Lachlan Gunn Executive Director at European Association for Secure Transactions

Would you use biometric technology at an ATM?

The European ATM Security Team (EAST) is asking this question in its latest on-line research poll. Well would you? Such technology, both palm vein and finger vein is relatively common in Japan and also in use in Brazil. Other countries such as India are apparently looking to roll it out. Hmm. To date only 24% of the respondents would be happ...

/security /regulation

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

Nigerian stole 500,000 dollars to buy luxury goods

According to the NY Daily News, Iguosade Osahon, a 28-year-old Nigerian-born student, has been charged with stealing the identities of 750 victims and used the $500,000 he stole to buy Rolex watches, Louis Vuitton bags and jewelry at Tiffany & Co. He stole his victim’s personal info by trawling online data traffickers for personal information

/security /regulation Whatever...

John Cant

John Cant Managing Director at MPI Europe Ltd

What sport tells us about financial regulation?

My 16 year old sports mad son read a book by Ed Smith, an Anglo Welsh county cricketer, over the summer entitled ‘What Sport Tells Us About Life’, and was mightily impressed. The book’s brilliance – he tells me - stems from the recognition that sport is life in miniature, and that if you analyse sport you find a mine of information about war, mo

/regulation /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

Angus Stewart

Angus Stewart CEO at


Is it me, or is the news really as unnewsworthy as I think it is? In recent days we have been hit with headlines galore that would leave the average person thinking the UK is in the middle of a major fraud epidemic. The claims I have seen splashed all over the media this week alone include insurers being ripped off left, right and centre by ‘cras

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Dumbo the Elephant - elephants really do fly!

You may recall in my last blog posting ‘The Wolf is at the Door – if he huffs and he puffs can he blow the bank down?’ we started to explore the scenario of hikes in interest rate and the impact upon commercial lending books. The blog seems to have resonated with a number of you judging by the comments I received over the past couple of last week...

/regulation /wholesale Innovation in Financial Services

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

UK Building Society lucky not to lose Customer data

Once again one hears of a Building Society not encrypting its laptops, coupled with poor physical security and password management by its employeees. In this instance, an unencrypted laptop belonging to the (former) Chelsea Building Society (which in April 2010 merged with Yorkshire Building Society), was stolen from its Cheltenham premises. It bel...

/security /regulation Whatever...

Keith Appleyard

Keith Appleyard IT Consultant at available for hire

How to steal 10 million dollars and get away with it

As reported in the New York Times : Papers filed in court allege that over a 4 year period, thieves created fictitious Merchants through use of accommodation addresses and stealing other peoples identities, charged more than $10 million on consumers’ credit and debit cards, and then moved the money...

/payments /regulation Whatever...

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