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4169 Results from /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Adding value to OTC clearing

As the Dodd-Frank deadline for mandatory clearing approaches, most tier one banks have already established their basic OTC Clearing capabilities using tactical or semi-strategic solutions. However, banks now need to go one step further and create value-added services that have the potential to draw clients away from other more “standard” clearin

/regulation /wholesale

Angus Stewart

Angus Stewart CEO at


So, it’s official: employee fraud is marching north yet again! But is this crime one we’ll ever get to grips with? Listening to Richard Hurley of CIFAS on BBC Radio 4 the other day, I was left in no doubts as to the answer. It was resounding ‘no’. CIFAS will be unveiling their insider fraud figures for 2010 in the next few days, and they will reco

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

CCP for OTC derivatives: friend or foe?

As previously discussed, worldwide regulators are increasingly favouring a move towards cleared contracts. Pressure to move away from bilateral OTC derivatives trades is based on the current market opaqueness, which exacerbates and contributes to systemic risk. Central clearing has been shown to increase transparency and reduce a variety of risks


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Democracy 15 - Evil Dictator 0

Wikileaks data along with a campaign led by Tunisian students and reinforced by the cyber individuals known and being anonoymous( #anonymous) has led to the overthrow of the Tunisian Dictator. I hear it is only the beginning, more countries to follow. Update: Reports are not confirmed at this stage but I bet it gave him a scare. Interior Minister s...

/regulation Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Learning from the Past - A Note on Scenario Building

The other day, news broke in Switzerland that the government plans to hold a non-public consultation over the ever-rising Swiss Franc. This sparked a public debate about what the Swiss National Bank could do to stem the tide. While there is no point in me voicing an opinion about what should be done, let’s look what we can learn from this debate f...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Australian floods make wikileaks looks like a trickle

Devastating floods in Queensland have continued to worsen and move towards the coast engulfing towns and cities in their path. Some towns located on mountain-tops experienced walls of water metres high cascading down the street suddenly without warning. Cars, and buildings were swept away in seconds. Many people are missing and a number killed. Re...

/regulation Whatever...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

One Lone Australian - Or How I Won The War

I thought that it might be time for a history lesson. As my readers know, I am forthright. Yet to be found wanting with the truth. An Australian saved Britain and the US in world war two. Without a doubt you would all be wearing different colours if not for the action of one lone Australian. The brave and no doubt mighty US Marine Corps would have ...

/regulation Whatever...

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Blue Cross Blue Shield Applications Found in Trash

Ever apply for insurance of any kind? There is always a litany of paperwork and the process is always frustrating and somewhat demeaning. Insurer’s applications feel invasive and ask questions that require information that you may not even tell your mom. What’s worse is they have to be given to another person who you often do not know. What’s even ...

/security /regulation

Miloslav Hoschek

Miloslav Hoschek Freelancer at e-Silk Road, NGO

Can be a Global Money Supply Measured in Multiples of Bits?

Can we then measure the global money supply for instance in yottabits, or bits? cont. copyright Miloslav HOSCHEK PhD independent consultant mhoschek/ad/

/regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Happy Holidays and Thank You From Robert Siciliano

25 years ago I was in a situation where I needed some help. A man appeared out of nowhere and seemed to have sensed my desperation and offered assistance. I accepted. Up until that day “It was all about me”. When I asked why he stopped to offer assistance and go out of his way as he did, he simply said, “Sometimes people just need help” That simp...

/security /regulation

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