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4169 Results from /regulation

Gary Wright

Gary Wright Analyst at BISS Research

Where is Shareholder Power?

Banker's bonuses are still dominating the news during the results season. The banks one by one, will all declare massive profits that are virtually the same as before the banking crisis. "Crisis what crisis" is the cry in the boardrooms and they're right. In just a few short years the banks that crippled many of the worlds economies are ...

/security /regulation EBAday

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Mobile ID- potential new buzz word!

As world is talking about mobile payments, there is identification with mobile phone, which needs discussion. Some years ago countries like Turkey and Estonia introduced mobile ID- systems. End of last year, country of (former) Nokia/ current WinDOS Nokia introduced after 10 year project called Mobile ID provided by mobile operators. With this sol...


Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Survey Shows Account Takeover Fraud Drops

Account takeover happens when your existing bank or credit card accounts are infiltrated and money is siphoned out. A hacked account or stolen credit card is often to blame. The drop in account takeover may be due in part to a few different things. Less breaches. There was a drop in data breaches from 221 million records in 604 breaches during 2009...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

What Basel III means for banks IT

Basel II regulation focused on the consolidation and measurement of risk. Financial organisations built IT systems that gathered ‘exposure’ information, analysed it and calculated the measures required by the Basel accord. Basel III addresses two areas of regulation – solvency and liquidity – thereby ensuring that banks have sufficient capital to ...

/regulation Innovation in Financial Services

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

What is New Account Fraud?

As long as identity thieves continue to breach databases and steal Social Security numbers, new account fraud will plague the public. New account fraud refers to financial identity theft in which the victim’s personal identifying information and good credit standing are used to create new accounts, which are then used to obtain products and service...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

Be Aware Online Daters Romance Scams

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, many single people return to thoughts of finding love online. But while your head is in the online clouds, you should know – and sorry to sound like a parent – that cyberscammers may be there with you looking to take advantage of your vulnerable heart. To help you stay safe on Valentine’s Day and year-round...

/security /regulation

Robert Siciliano

Robert Siciliano Security Analyst at

School Officials Warn of Identity Theft

In a small Maine town, local school officials buck state requirements and tell parents not to give out their child’s Social Security number. The Bangor Daily reports “School departments across the state are required by a new state law to collect students’ Social Security numbers for all enrolled this fall. Parents, however, should know that they c...

/security /regulation

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Should we worry about Inflation?

Of course we should (says the mainstream economist). Moderate levels of inflation (2 per cent) may be acceptable for they help greasing the wheels of an economy. But as soon as inflation swings to the exciting side of 5 per cent for a prolonged period of time, its true nature surfaces. Given we are slowly ridding ourselves from the shackles of a t...

/regulation /retail

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Nasdaq Breach Highlights Security Issues in Capital Markets

When part of an organization’s system gets compromised, its entire reputation can take a hit. Nasdaq OMX Group Inc.’s confirmation Monday that one of its systems had been hacked emphasizes wider security issues facing the capital markets. The public still doesn’t know whether the attack was an attempt to look around the Web-based system — in which ...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

OTC clearing: untangling the netting

I mentioned ‘netting sets' in a previous blog on OTC clearing as a key focus of much debate at a recent OTC derivatives conference. To me, there seems to be some confusion around usage of the term within the subject of OTC clearing, and I've heard it used in a number of contexts. We can potentially talk about the netting of ‘positions' as well as ...

/regulation /wholesale Financial Risk Management

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